The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Those for this policy agree that
the federal government should introduce the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, which is a cap-and-trade system of emissions trading introduced by the Rudd Labor Government
34 subscribers
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Without a magic crystal ball, there's no way to predict with absolute certainty what representatives will do in future, no matter what they promise you now or how they voted in the past.
Nonetheless, exploring how they voted before can help you decide who to support in an election.
Voted consistently for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Anthony Albanese
Jason Clare
Mark Dreyfus
Justine Elliot
Catherine King
Shayne Neumann
Brendan O'Connor
Graham Perrett
Tanya Plibersek
Amanda Rishworth
Maria Vamvakinou
Tony Zappia
Voted almost always for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Something not right?Voted generally for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Catryna Bilyk
Chris Bowen
Carol Brown
Tony Burke
Don Farrell
Helen Polley
Louise Pratt
Glenn Sterle
Penny Wong
Voted generally against the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Something not right?Voted almost always against the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Something not right?Voted consistently against the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
Russell Broadbent
Darren Chester
Mark Coulton
Peter Dutton
Paul Fletcher
Alex Hawke
Sussan Ley
Nola Marino
Rowan Ramsey
Jason Wood
Relevant divisions
Most important divisions relevant to this policy
These are the most important divisions related to the policy “for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme”. They are weighted much more strongly than other divisions when calculating the position of a person on this policy.
Other divisions relevant to this policy
These are less important divisions which are related to the policy “for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme”.
If you know of other divisions that relate to this policy, you can add them in the Votes section of that division‘s page.