A Parliamentary Democracy for Everybody

In Australia, every 3 years or so, we all head to polling places across the country to elect individuals to represent us in Federal Parliament. They become Australia’s Members of Parliament (MPs), and they’re there to advocate for the interests of the people who live in their electorate (whether we voted for them or not), vote on our behalf, and pass legislation to create a society which works for us.

They vote for you

Between elections, how do you know that the individual speaking for you, in your electorate, votes in your interest? Have they ever voted against their party on an issue people like you in your electorate care about? Do they even turn up?

How your MP votes on issues you care about

We’ve peeled back the layers of stuffy jargon, arcane procedures and language so you can find out whether a member voted on expanding powers to intercept communications or for Aboriginal land rights. There is a whole list of policies. If you see one missing, you can add your own.

Find your MP

It’s easy to get started by searching or head to the full list of Representatives and Senators.

Thanks for making this

They Vote For You was built by the OpenAustralia Foundation, an independent, non-partisan not-for-profit. It is based on the ground-breaking UK Public Whip site originally created by Francis Irving and Julian Todd in 2003. We owe Julian and Francis a massive debt of gratitude for everything they've done.

A huge thank you to Google Australia whose donation in 2013 made the initial development of this project possible.

They Vote For You was created by Henare Degan, Matthew Landauer, Luke Bacon and Katherine Szuminska. Political research for the research and writing of policies before launch was done by the magnificent Mackay Ash and Natasha Burrows.

You can help

Make this project better for everyone by summarising divisions and maintaining and discussing policies. You can also make a donation to the OpenAustralia Foundation to support us in creating and maintaining projects like this.

They Vote For You is an Open Source project. That means that a whole community of people add to and help maintain and improve this website in their own big and small ways. The project is hosted on GitHub, where you can find out how to contribute yourself.

They Vote For You keeps getting better due to the efforts of


Email us at contact@theyvoteforyou.org.au.

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