Compare how Doug Cameron and David Smith voted on live animal export

Now this is where it gets a bit tricky… Two people might vote the same way on votes they both attended, so their votes are 100% in agreement. They might also have voted in a way we’d describe differently when looking at all of one person's votes. If the other person didn’t or couldn’t have attended those votes we leave those out of the comparison. Because that just wouldn’t be fair now, would it?

Most important divisions relevant to this policy

These are the most important divisions related to the policy “for live animal export” which either Doug Cameron or David Smith could have attended. They are weighted much more strongly than other divisions when calculating the position of Doug Cameron and David Smith on this policy. Where a person could not have attended a division because they were not a member of parliament at the time (or in the wrong house) it is marked as "-".

Division Doug Cameron David Smith Supporters vote

26th Jun 2024, 11:41 AM – Representatives Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024 - Second Reading - Agree with the bill's main idea

- Yes No

26th Jun 2024, 11:32 AM – Representatives Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024 - Second Reading - Decline a second reading

- No Yes

10th Sep 2018, 11:35 AM – Senate Animal Export Legislation Amendment (Ending Long-Haul Live Sheep Exports) Bill 2018 - Third Reading - Pass the bill

Yes Yes No

19th Jun 2014 – Senate Regulations and Determinations — Australian Meat and Live—stock Industry (Export of Live—stock to Egypt) Repeal Order 2014 — Disallow motion

absent - No

Other divisions relevant to this policy

These are less important divisions which are related to the policy “for live animal export” which either Doug Cameron or David Smith could have attended. Where a person could not have attended a division because they were not a member of parliament at the time (or in the wrong house) it is marked as "-".

Division Doug Cameron David Smith Supporters vote

31st May 2023, 6:15 PM – Representatives Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Amendment (Animal Welfare) Bill 2023 - Report from Federation Chamber - Live export bans

- Yes Yes

27th Oct 2022, 5:56 PM – Representatives Regulations and Determinations - Export Control (Animals) Amendment (Northern Hemisphere Summer Prohibition) Rules 2022 - Don't disallow

- absent Yes

4th Dec 2018, 5:01 PM – Senate Documents - Live Animal Exports - Phase out

Yes Yes No

26th Jun 2018, 4:30 PM – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - Compensation and orderly phase out

absent Yes No

8th Feb 2018, 12:17 PM – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - Transition away from

No - No

15th Jun 2017, 12:22 PM – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - Ban

Yes - No

10th Nov 2016, 12:49 PM – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - End

No - No

13th Oct 2015, 4:12 PM – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - Approve Port Alma as a live cattle export facility

Yes - Yes

12th Dec 2013, 12:32 PM – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - Stop export until investigations completed

No - No

15th May 2013, 3:53 PM – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - Establish Office of Animal Welfare

No - No

13th Mar 2012 – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - Against live animal export

No - No

7th Jul 2011 – Senate Motions - Live Animal Exports - End live animal export

absent - No

15th Jun 2011 – Senate Motions — Live Animal Exports — Move to re—establish live export with Indonesia

No - Yes