Milton Dick and Steven Ciobo have voted the same way 1% of the time

Between July 2016 and May 2019 Milton Dick and Steven Ciobo have voted in the same division 421 times.

In divisions they have voted differently 417 times. They have only voted the same 4 times.

How do their votes on policies compare?

Policies are groups of votes related to an issue. We only show policies where we have enough information on both people.

Divisions in which they voted the same

In divisions they have voted differently 417 times. They have only voted the same 4 times.

  1. edited 5th Apr 2019

    Milton Dick voted No

    Steven Ciobo voted No

    Not passed by a large majority

    No rebellions 77% attendance

  2. edited 21st Dec 2018

    Milton Dick voted Yes

    Steven Ciobo voted Yes

    Passed by a large majority

    No rebellions 67% attendance

  3. edited 28th Mar 2018

    Milton Dick voted No in this free vote

    Steven Ciobo voted No in this free vote

    Not passed by a modest majority

    No rebellions 94% attendance

  4. edited 23rd Sep 2016

    Milton Dick voted No

    Steven Ciobo voted No

    Not passed by a large majority

    No rebellions 85% attendance