Before being Liberal Party Representative for Bennelong, John Alexander was Liberal Party Representative for Bennelong.

Compare their voting record with someone else's

How do they vote?

Voted consistently for

Something not right?

Voted a mixture of for and against

Voted consistently against

Something not right?

Please note that our voting records start in February 2006.

Rebel votes

John Alexander has never voted against the majority of their party since entering Parliament in August 2010. explain rebellions

Free votes

John Alexander has taken part in 1 free vote since entering Parliament in August 2010. explain “Free Votes”

  1. edited 24th Feb 2022

    John Alexander voted No in this free vote

    Passed by a modest majority

    No rebellions 80% attendance

Recent Votes

Recent votes in parliament that this Representative could have attended.

  1. edited 24th Feb 2022

    John Alexander voted Yes

    Passed by a small majority

    No rebellions 79% attendance

  2. edited 24th Feb 2022

    John Alexander voted Yes

    Passed by a small majority

    No rebellions 81% attendance

  3. edited 19th Sep 2022

    John Alexander voted Yes

    Passed by a small majority

    No rebellions 77% attendance

  1. edited 5th Nov 2017

    John Alexander voted No

    Not passed by a small majority

    No rebellions 91% attendance

  2. edited 5th Nov 2017

    John Alexander voted Yes

    Passed by a small majority

    No rebellions 91% attendance

  3. edited 5th Nov 2017

    John Alexander voted Yes

    Passed by a small majority

    No rebellions 91% attendance

View all votes

Compare John Alexander with someone else

Shows people in order of those who voted always the same as John Alexander (100% agreement) to those who never voted the same (0% agreement).

We only compare those votes where both people attended. This may reveal relationships between people that were previously unsuspected. Or it may be nonsense.

Agreement Name
100% Scott Buchholz Liberal Party Representative for Wright
100% David Coleman Liberal Party Representative for Banks
100% Pat Conaghan National Party Representative for Cowper
100% Andrew Gee Independent Representative for Calare
100% David Gillespie National Party Representative for Lyne
More people to compare with John Alexander (84 other people voted exactly the same as this one)