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senate vote 2021-06-23#3
Edited by
mackay staff
2021-07-16 09:11:16
Committees — Finance and Public Administration References Committee; Reference
- Committees - Finance and Public Administration References Committee - Refer to Finance and Public Administration References Committee
<p class="speaker">Jacqui Lambie</p>
<p>I move:</p>
<p class="italic">(1) That the Senate notes that:</p>
- The same number of senators voted for and against a [motion]( introduced by Tasmanian Senator [Jacqui Lambie]( (Jacqui Lambie Network), which means it failed.
- ### Motion text
- > *(1) That the Senate notes that:*
- >
- >> *(a) the Prime Minister's Statement of Ministerial Standards of 30 August 2018, at paragraph 1.3(iv), states that '[Ministers] will be required to answer for the consequences of their decisions and actions' and they 'must ensure that... their conduct in a private capacity upholds the laws of Australia, and demonstrates appropriately high standards of personal integrity';*
- >>
- >> *(b) it is the Prime Minister's responsibility to uphold the Ministerial Standards; and*
- >>
- >> *(c) it does not appear that the Prime Minister has taken any significant action to assess whether Minister Porter meets the criteria set by paragraph 1.3(iv) of the Ministerial Standards.*
- >
- > *(2) That the following matter be referred to the [Finance and Public Administration References Committee]( for inquiry and report by 10 August 2021:*
- >
- >> *(a) the extent to which the presumption of innocence conflicts with the Prime Minister's responsibility to maintain public confidence in the executive, and how the Prime Minister should seek to resolve that conflict;*
- >>
- >> *(b) whether a minister's obligation to uphold high standards of personal integrity in their private conduct extends to conduct engaged in prior to their commission as a minister;*
- >>
- >> *(c) the adequacy of the Prime Minister's actions to assess whether Minister Porter meets the requirements of the Prime Minister's Statement of Ministerial Standards of 30 August 2018, including paragraph 1.3(iv); and*
- >>
- >> *(d) any related matters.*
<p class="italic">(a) the Prime Minister's <i>Statement of Ministerial Standards </i>of 30 August 2018, at paragraph 1.3(iv), states that '[Ministers] will be required to answer for the consequences of their decisions and actions' and they 'must ensure that... their conduct in a private capacity upholds the laws of Australia, and demonstrates appropriately high standards of personal integrity';</p>
<p class="italic">(b) it is the Prime Minister's responsibility to uphold the Ministerial Standards; and</p>
<p class="italic">(c) it does not appear that the Prime Minister has taken any significant action to assess whether Minister Porter meets the criteria set by paragraph 1.3(iv) of the Ministerial Standards.</p>
<p class="italic">(2) That the following matter be referred to the Finance and Public Administration References Committee for inquiry and report by 10 August 2021:</p>
<p class="italic">(a) the extent to which the presumption of innocence conflicts with the Prime Minister's responsibility to maintain public confidence in the executive, and how the Prime Minister should seek to resolve that conflict;</p>
<p class="italic">(b) whether a minister's obligation to uphold high standards of personal integrity in their private conduct extends to conduct engaged in prior to their commission as a minister;</p>
<p class="italic">(c) the adequacy of the Prime Minister's actions to assess whether Minister Porter meets the requirements of the Prime Minister's <i>Statement of Ministerial Standards </i>of 30 August 2018, including paragraph 1.3(iv); and</p>
<p class="italic">(d) any related matters.</p>
<p class="speaker">Larissa Waters</p>
<p>I seek leave to make a short statement.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>Leave is granted for one minute.</p>
<p class="speaker">Larissa Waters</p>
<p>Over the past fortnight the Greens have proposed a robust, independent mechanism to look into Minister Porter's suitability to hold a ministerial position. Our commission would have allowed issues surrounding allegations of Minister Porter's behaviour and any implications for compliance with the ministerial standards to be considered at arm's length from politicians by a former judge who has expertise in managing evidence, the presumption of innocence, conflicts of interest and confidentiality. But government senators, One Nation senators and Senator Lambie blocked even the introduction of that proposal. This referral proposed by Senator Lambie will send those same questions to a Senate committee made up of partisan politicians dominated by government members. It is not a great forum for this important issue, but it would be better than nothing. On that basis alone, we will be supporting this referral.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>The question is that the motion moved by Senator Lambie be agreed to.</p>