

The same number of senators voted for and against the motion, which means it failed. It had been introduced by Greens Senator Scott Ludlam.

Motion text

That the Senate—

(a) notes:

(i) Main Roads Western Australia have submitted a proposal to build a road to James Price Point through pristine Kimberley bushland which is prime habitat for the bilby, acknowledged as a vulnerable species by both the Western Australian Government and the Federal Government,

(ii) that building a road through this area would directly destroy the habitat as well as threatening the species by opening up its habitat to predators such as dogs and feral cats,

(iii) the construction of a major road through this area may contravene the Australian Government’s own National Recovery Plan for the greater bilby,

(iv) the status of the greater bilby in large parts of Western Australia is unclear, as identified in the National Recovery Plan, and

(v) that the decision to locate a gas hub or other heavy industry at James Price Point is still being considered under the Federal Government’s environmental assessment process and this proposal presupposes the outcome of that process; and

(b) calls for:

(i) the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (Mr Burke) to take careful note of the information provided through the environment protection and biodiversity conservation process and examine the proposal in light of its impact on the endangered bilby, and

(ii) investment in more scientific research into the status and habitat of the bilby.

Votes Not passed

Nobody rebelled against their party.

Party Votes
Australian Greens (100% turnout) 5 Yes 0 No
Bob Brown Tasmania Yes
Sarah Hanson-Young SA Yes
Scott Ludlam WA Yes
Christine Milne Tasmania Yes
Rachel Siewert WA Yes
Australian Labor Party (94% turnout) 29 Yes 0 No
Mark Arbib NSW Yes
Catryna Bilyk Tasmania Yes
Mark Bishop WA Yes
Carol Brown Tasmania Yes
Doug Cameron NSW Yes
Jacinta Collins Victoria Yes
Stephen Conroy Victoria Yes
Trish Crossin NT Yes
Don Farrell SA Yes
John Faulkner NSW Yes
David Feeney Victoria Yes
Michael Forshaw NSW Yes
Mark Furner Queensland Yes
Annette Hurley SA Yes
Steve Hutchins NSW Yes
Joe Ludwig Queensland Yes
Kate Lundy ACT Yes
Gavin Marshall Victoria Yes
Anne McEwen SA Yes
Jan McLucas Queensland Yes
Claire Moore Queensland Yes
Kerry O'Brien Tasmania Yes
Helen Polley Tasmania Yes
Louise Pratt WA Yes
Nick Sherry Tasmania Yes
Ursula Stephens NSW Yes
Glenn Sterle WA Yes
Penny Wong SA Yes
Dana Wortley SA Yes
Kim Carr Victoria Absent
Chris Evans WA Absent
Nigel Scullion NT Country Liberal Party No
Alan Ferguson SA Deputy President No
Steve Fielding Victoria Family First Party No
Nick Xenophon SA Independent Yes
Liberal Party (93% turnout) 0 Yes 28 No
Eric Abetz Tasmania No
Judith Adams WA No
Christopher Back WA No
Guy Barnett Tasmania No
Cory Bernardi SA No
Simon Birmingham SA No
Sue Boyce Queensland No
George Brandis Queensland No
David Bushby Tasmania No
Michaelia Cash WA No
Richard Colbeck Tasmania No
Helen Coonan NSW No
Mathias Cormann WA No
Alan Eggleston WA No
Mitch Fifield Victoria No
Mary Fisher SA No
Bill Heffernan NSW No
Gary Humphries ACT No
David Johnston WA No
Helen Kroger Victoria No
Ian Macdonald Queensland No
Brett Mason Queensland No
Nick Minchin SA No
Stephen Parry Tasmania No
Michael Ronaldson Victoria No
Scott Ryan Victoria No
Judith Troeth Victoria No
Russell Trood Queensland No
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells NSW Absent
Marise Payne NSW Absent
National Party (80% turnout) 0 Yes 4 No
Barnaby Joyce Queensland No
Julian McGauran Victoria No
Fiona Nash NSW No
John Williams NSW No
Ron Boswell Queensland Absent
John Hogg Queensland President Absent
Totals (92% turnout) 35 Yes – 35 No