Recent contributions by Australian Fusion Industry
On policy Building Fusion Energy Power plants instead of Nuclear Fission power plants in Australia and ASEAN
Description changed from “The Federal government must invest privately and publically in research and develop into Fusion Energy's peaceful power generation. The federal government is risking Australia becoming a backwater community in the ASEAN region. In an Australian context, Nuclear only refers to Thorium and Fission, not FUSION ENERGY. The government is failing the Australian taxpayer and hampering Australian growth. Australia can build a Fusion power plant now. 1. Fusion Energy is Legal under current Australian laws nuclear. 2. Nuclear fission power generation is banned now. 3. Commercial Fusion will be available to build in Australia before mid-2040. 4. Commercial Fission will not be available to build in Australia by mid-2040. 5. Commercial comparisons of Fission and Fusion power plants built in Australia shows that Fusion is cheaper. 7. Commercial Fusion SMRs will likely be available to build in Australia before mid-2040? 8. Commercial Fission SMRs will not likely be available to build in Australia before mid-2040. 9. Commercial Thorium will not be available to build in Australia by mid-2040? 10. Uranium's lifetime, considering the 2022 Uranium Red Book from NEA and OECD states 90 years? Australia has more reason to research, develop and build Fusion Energy Power plants and power Australia into a dynamic future.” to “The Federal government must invest privately and publically in research and develop into Fusion Energy's peaceful power generation. The federal government is risking Australia becoming a backwater community in the ASEAN region. In an Australian context, Nuclear only refers to Thorium and Fission, not FUSION ENERGY. The government is failing the Australian taxpayer and hampering Australian growth. Australia can build a Fusion power plant now. 1. Fusion Energy is Legal under current Australian nuclear laws. 2. Nuclear fission power generation is banned in Australia now. 3. Commercial Fusion will be available to build in Australia before mid-2040. 4. Commercial Fission will not be available to build in Australia by mid-2040. 5. Commercial comparisons of Fission and Fusion power plants built in Australia shows that Fusion is cheaper. 7. Commercial Fusion SMRs will likely be available to build in Australia before mid-2040? 8. Commercial Fission SMRs will not likely be available to build in Australia before mid-2040. 9. Commercial Thorium will not be available to build in Australia by mid-2040? 10. Uranium's lifetime, considering the 2022 Uranium Red Book from NEA and OECD states 90 years? Australia has more reason to research, develop and build Fusion Energy Power plants and power Australia into a dynamic future.”.
Changed status to not draft.
Australian Fusion Industry about 2 months ago
On policy Building Fusion Energy Power plants instead of Nuclear Fission power plants in Australia and ASEAN
Created policy “Building Fusion Energy Power plants instead of Nuclear Fission power plants in Australia and ASEAN” with description “The Federal government must invest privately and publically in research and develop into Fusion Energy's peaceful power generation. The federal government is risking Australia becoming a backwater community in the ASEAN region. In an Australian context, Nuclear only refers to Thorium and Fission, not FUSION ENERGY. The government is failing the Australian taxpayer and hampering Australian growth. Australia can build a Fusion power plant now. 1. Fusion Energy is Legal under current Australian laws nuclear. 2. Nuclear fission power generation is banned now. 3. Commercial Fusion will be available to build in Australia before mid-2040. 4. Commercial Fission will not be available to build in Australia by mid-2040. 5. Commercial comparisons of Fission and Fusion power plants built in Australia shows that Fusion is cheaper. 7. Commercial Fusion SMRs will likely be available to build in Australia before mid-2040? 8. Commercial Fission SMRs will not likely be available to build in Australia before mid-2040. 9. Commercial Thorium will not be available to build in Australia by mid-2040? 10. Uranium's lifetime, considering the 2022 Uranium Red Book from NEA and OECD states 90 years? Australia has more reason to research, develop and build Fusion Energy Power plants and power Australia into a dynamic future.”.
Australian Fusion Industry about 2 months ago
On policy nuclear energy
Name changed from “nuclear energy” to “nuclear energy or fusion energy”.
Description changed from “the federal government should support nuclear energy generation in Australia” to “the federal government should support nuclear energy generation and change nuclear laws or support fusion energy and leave the laws as is in Australia”.
Australian Fusion Industry 8 months ago
See other recent changes.