Recent history: For having a referendum on whether to create an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
Name changed from “having a referendum on the question of creating an Indigenous Voice to Parliament” to “having a referendum on whether to create an Indigenous Voice to Parliament”.
mackay staff about 2 months ago
Name changed from “a referendum on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice” to “having a referendum on the question of creating an Indigenous Voice to Parliament”.
Description changed from “there should be a referendum on the question of whether the Constitution should be amended to include a requirement for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to federal parliament, such as that envisaged by the Uluru Statement from the Heart” to “there should be a public referendum on the question of whether the Constitution should be amended to include a requirement for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to federal parliament, such as that envisaged by the Uluru Statement from the Heart”.
mackay staff 2 months ago
Changed status to not draft.
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Added division Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Added division Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 - Consideration in Detail - Agree with the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Added division Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Added division Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 - in Committee - Agree with the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Added division Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Added division Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Name changed from “a referendum on the Voice” to “a referendum on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice”.
Description changed from “the federal government should put to a referendum the question of whether the Constitution should be amended to include a requirement for an Indigenous Voice to federal parliament, such as that envisaged by the Uluru Statement from the Heart” to “there should be a referendum on the question of whether the Constitution should be amended to include a requirement for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to federal parliament, such as that envisaged by the Uluru Statement from the Heart”.
mackay staff over 1 year ago
Created policy “a referendum on the Voice” with description “the federal government should put to a referendum the question of whether the Constitution should be amended to include a requirement for an Indigenous Voice to federal parliament, such as that envisaged by the Uluru Statement from the Heart”.
mackay staff over 1 year ago