Recent history: For increasing penalties for breach of data
Changed status to not draft.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Added division National Cancer Screening Register Bill 2016 and another - in Committee - Protection of private data. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Added division National Cancer Screening Register Bill 2016 and another - Consideration in Detail - Penalties for data breach. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Name changed from “new policy” to “increasing penalties for breach of data”.
Description changed from “new policy” to “the federal government should increase penalties for breach of data by for-profit companies that have been contracted by the government to store sensitive information or to provide services to citizens”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Name changed from “criminalising sharing intimate images without consent ('revenge porn')” to “new policy”.
Description changed from “the federal government should criminalise sharing intimate images without the consent of the people pictured within them (an act commonly known as "revenge porn" or "intimate image abuse")” to “new policy”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Removed division Enhancing Online Safety (Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images) Bill 2017 - Second Reading - Criminalise. Policy vote was Yes.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Changed status to draft.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Removed division Enhancing Online Safety (Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Criminal offences. Policy vote was Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Description changed from “the federal government should criminalise sharing intimate images online without the consent of the people pictured within them (an act commonly known as "revenge porn" or "intimate image abuse")” to “the federal government should criminalise sharing intimate images without the consent of the people pictured within them (an act commonly known as "revenge porn" or "intimate image abuse")”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Name changed from “criminalising 'revenge porn'” to “criminalising sharing intimate images without consent ('revenge porn')”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Description changed from “the federal government should criminalise sharing intimate images online without the consent of the people pictured within them (an act commonly known as "revenge porn")” to “the federal government should criminalise sharing intimate images online without the consent of the people pictured within them (an act commonly known as "revenge porn" or "intimate image abuse")”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Name changed from “criminalising sharing intimate images without consent online” to “criminalising 'revenge porn'”.
Description changed from “the federal government should criminalise the sharing of intimate images online without consent” to “the federal government should criminalise sharing intimate images online without the consent of the people pictured within them (an act commonly known as "revenge porn")”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Name changed from “criminalise sharing intimate images without consent online” to “criminalising sharing intimate images without consent online”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Changed status to not draft.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Changed vote from Yes (strong) to Yes on division Enhancing Online Safety (Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images) Bill 2017 - Second Reading - Criminalise.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Added division Enhancing Online Safety (Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Criminal offences. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Added division Enhancing Online Safety (Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images) Bill 2017 - Second Reading - Criminalise. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Created policy “criminalise sharing intimate images without consent online” with description “the federal government should criminalise the sharing of intimate images online without consent”.
mackay staff over 6 years ago