Recent history: For civil celebrants having the right to refuse to marry same-sex couples
Changed status to not draft.
mackay staff almost 7 years ago
Name changed from “celebrants having the right to refuse to marry same-sex couples” to “civil celebrants having the right to refuse to marry same-sex couples”.
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Discrimination based on religious beliefs. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - in Committee - No obligation to solemnise marriage. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Authorised marriage celebrant. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Civil celebrants' right to refuse. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Defence chaplains. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Religious and conscientious protection. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - Consideration in Detail - Def of marriage + conscientious protections. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - Consideration in Detail - Defence appointed celebrants. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017 - Consideration in Detail - Religion & right to refuse. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Created policy “celebrants having the right to refuse to marry same-sex couples” with description “the federal government should protect the right of celebrants to refuse to marry same-sex couples if doing so would be against their religious or conscientious beliefs”.
mackay staff about 7 years ago