Recent history: For imprisoning immigration detention workers who record or reveal information from their work
Added division Australian Border Force Amendment (Protected Information) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Unauthorised disclosure. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff about 7 years ago
Added division Australian Border Force Amendment (Protected Information) Bill 2017 - Second Reading - Section 42. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff over 7 years ago
Name changed from “imprisoning immigration detention workers who record or reveal information they get at work” to “imprisoning immigration detention workers who record or reveal information from their work”.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Name changed from “imprisoning immigration detention workers who record or disclose information they get at work” to “imprisoning immigration detention workers who record or reveal information they get at work”.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Name changed from “imprisoning people who work in immigration detention who tell the public what happens there” to “imprisoning immigration detention workers who record or disclose information they get at work”.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Description changed from “the public should not learn about what happens in Australia’s immigration detention network directly from the people who work in it; and that those people should face prison time if they tell the public or media about conditions or events inside detention centres.” to “the federal government should make it an offence punishable by imprisonment for Immigration and Border Protection employees, consultants and contractors to record or disclose information that they obtained while working in Australia's immigration detention centres”.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Added division Australian Border Force Bill 2015 and related bill - in Committee - Public interest amendment. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Name changed from “imprisioning people who work in immigration detention who tell the public what happens there” to “imprisoning people who work in immigration detention who tell the public what happens there”.
Luke Bacon over 8 years ago
Changed status to not draft.
Luke Bacon over 8 years ago
Added division Australian Border Force Bill 2015 and related bill - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Luke Bacon over 8 years ago
Created policy “imprisioning people who work in immigration detention who tell the public what happens there” with description “the public should not learn about what happens in Australia’s immigration detention network directly from the people who work in it; and that those people should face prison time if they tell the public or media about conditions or events inside detention centres.”.
Luke Bacon over 8 years ago