How Barry O'Sullivan voted compared to someone who agrees that Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators should vote to speed things along by supporting motions to 'put the question' (known as 'closure' or 'gag' motions), which require Parliament to immediately vote on a question rather than debating it any further

Most important divisions relevant to this policy

These are the most important divisions related to the policy “for speeding things along in Parliament (procedural)” which Barry O'Sullivan could have attended. They are weighted much more strongly than other divisions when calculating the position of Barry O'Sullivan on this policy.

Division Barry O'Sullivan Supporters vote

13th Feb 2019, 10:15 AM – Senate Business - Consideration of Legislation - Speed things along

No Yes

6th Dec 2018, 3:15 PM – Senate Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Put the question

No Yes

6th Dec 2018, 2:51 PM – Senate Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Put the question

No Yes

3rd Dec 2018, 1:55 PM – Senate Business - Consideration of Legislation - Speed things along

Yes Yes

3rd Dec 2018, 1:40 PM – Senate Business - Consideration of Legislation - Put the question

Yes Yes

12th Nov 2018, 12:13 PM – Senate A Fair Go for Australians in Trade Bill 2018 [No. 2] - Second Reading - Put the question

No Yes

18th Oct 2018, 10:21 AM – Senate Business - Consideration of Legislation - Speed things along

Yes Yes

17th Sep 2018, 5:00 PM – Senate Treasury Laws Amendment (Black Economy Taskforce Measures No. 1) Bill 2018 - in Committee - Put the question

absent Yes

17th Sep 2018, 1:48 PM – Senate Treasury Laws Amendment (Black Economy Taskforce Measures No. 1) Bill 2018 - in Committee - Put the question

absent Yes

10th Sep 2018, 11:31 AM – Senate Animal Export Legislation Amendment (Ending Long-Haul Live Sheep Exports) Bill 2018 - Third Reading - Put the question

absent Yes

10th Sep 2018, 11:23 AM – Senate Animal Export Legislation Amendment (Ending Long-Haul Live Sheep Exports) Bill 2018 - in Committee - Speed things along

absent Yes

23rd Aug 2018, 10:00 AM – Senate Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card Trial Expansion) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Put the question

No Yes

27th Jun 2018, 10:23 AM – Senate National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign Interference) Bill 2017 and another - First Reading - Speed things along

Yes Yes

25th Jun 2018, 12:05 PM – Senate Taxation Administration Amendment (Corporate Tax Entity Information) Bill 2017 - in Committee - Put the question

No Yes

21st Jun 2018, 11:36 AM – Senate Treasury Laws Amendment (Personal Income Tax Plan) Bill 2018 - Consideration of House of Representatives Message - Put the question

Yes Yes

21st Jun 2018, 10:22 AM – Senate Motions - Hanson, Senator Pauline; Censure - Put the question

Yes Yes

20th Jun 2018, 4:33 PM – Senate Business - Consideration of Legislation - Put the question

Yes Yes

20th Jun 2018, 4:16 PM – Senate Business - Consideration of Legislation - Speed things along

Yes Yes

20th Jun 2018, 4:09 PM – Senate Business - Consideration of Legislation - Speed things along

Yes Yes

27th Mar 2018, 6:25 PM – Senate Business - Rearrangement - Put the question

absent Yes

19th Oct 2017, 12:45 PM – Senate Regulations and Determinations - Citizenship (Authorisation) Revocation and Authorisation Instrument 2017 and another; Disallowance - Speed things along

Yes Yes

19th Oct 2017, 11:42 AM – Senate Environment and Infrastructure Legislation Amendment (Stop Adani) Bill 2017 - Second Reading - Speed things along

No Yes

13th Sep 2017 – Senate Business - Rearrangement - Put the question

Yes Yes

1st Dec 2016, 8:42 PM – Senate Superannuation (Departing Australia Superannuation Payments Tax) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2016 - Third Reading - Speed things along

absent Yes

1st Dec 2016, 8:38 PM – Senate Superannuation (Departing Australia Superannuation Payments Tax) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2016 - Second Reading - Speed things along

absent Yes

1st Dec 2016, 8:30 PM – Senate Income Tax Rates Amendment (Working Holiday Maker Reform) Bill 2016 (No. 2) - Third Reading - Speeding things along

absent Yes

17th Mar 2016, 12:01 PM – Senate Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013 - Second Reading - Speed things along

absent Yes

2nd Mar 2016, 12:05 PM – Senate Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016 - First Reading - Put the question

Yes Yes

2nd Mar 2016, 11:57 AM – Senate Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016 - First Reading - Put the question

Yes Yes

2nd Mar 2016, 11:49 AM – Senate Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016 - First Reading - Put the question

Yes Yes

2nd Mar 2016, 11:36 AM – Senate Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016 - First Reading - Put the question

Yes Yes

2nd Mar 2016, 11:24 AM – Senate Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016 - First Reading - Put the question

absent Yes

2nd Dec 2014, 5:32 PM – Senate Higher Education and Research Reform Amendment Bill 2014 - Second Reading - End debate on bill's main idea

No Yes

30th Sep 2014, 5:21 PM – Senate Committees - Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration - End debate on whether to create committee

No Yes

30th Sep 2014, 5:13 PM – Senate Committees - Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration - End debate on whether to include Bligh Government in inquiry

No Yes

25th Sep 2014, 1:41 PM – Senate National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014 - in Committee - End debate on whether to limit ASIO's access to devices

Yes Yes

23rd Sep 2014, 5:35 PM – Senate Committees — Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration — End debate on whether to debate the motion

No Yes

10th Jul 2014, 9:56 AM – Senate Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013 [No. 2] and related bills - Declaration of Urgency - Put the question

Yes Yes

19th Jun 2014 – Senate Regulations and Determinations — Australian Meat and Live—stock Industry (Export of Live—stock to Egypt) Repeal Order 2014 - Put the motion (for disallowance)

Yes Yes

15th May 2014, 11:11 AM – Senate National Integrity Commission Bill 2013 - Second Reading - Put the question

No Yes

Other divisions relevant to this policy

These are less important divisions which are related to the policy “for speeding things along in Parliament (procedural)” which Barry O'Sullivan could have attended.

Division Barry O'Sullivan Supporters vote

6th Dec 2018, 7:19 PM – Senate Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Third Reading - Speeding things along

absent Yes

How "voted a mixture of for and against" is worked out

They Vote For You gives each vote a score based on whether the MP voted in agreement with the policy or not. These scores are then averaged with a weighting across all votes that the MP could have voted on relevant to the policy. The overall average score is then converted to a simple english language phrase based on the range of values it's within.

When an MP votes in agreement with a policy the vote is scored as 100%. When they vote against the policy it is scored as 0% and when they are absent it is scored half way between the two at 50%. The half way point effectively says "we don't know whether they are for or against this policy".

The overall agreement score for the policy is worked out by a weighted average of the scores for each vote. The weighting has been chosen so that the most important votes have a weighting 5 times that of the less important votes. Also, absent votes on less important votes are weighted 5 times less again to not penalise MPs for not attending the less important votes. Pressure of other work means MPs or Senators are not always available to vote – it does not always mean they've abstained.

Type of vote Agreement score (s) Weight (w) No of votes (n)
Most important votes MP voted with policy 100% 25 18
MP voted against policy 0% 25 12
MP absent 50% 25 10
Less important votes MP voted with policy 100% 5 0
MP voted against policy 0% 5 0
MP absent 50% 1 1

The final agreement score is a weighted average (weighted arithmetic mean) of the scores of the individual votes.

Average agreement score = sum(n×w×s) / sum(n×w) = 575.5 / 1001 = 57%.

And then this average agreement score