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senate vote 2024-11-25#1
Edited by
mackay staff
2024-11-29 13:21:20
Bills — Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024; Second Reading
- Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024 - Second Reading - Criticism of Government
<p class="speaker">Sue Lines</p>
<p>We are doing the second reading on the Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024, but there are a number of deferred motions; that's what we're dealing with at the moment. The first deferred motion is in the name of Senator Henderson. The question is that the motion as moved by Senator Henderson be agreed to.</p>
- The majority voted against an [amendment]( introduced by Victorian Senator [Sarah Henderson]( (Liberal), which means it failed. The amendment would have added the text below to the usual second reading motion, which is "*that the bill be read a second time*" (parliamentary jargon for agreeing with the main idea of the bill).
- ### Amendment text
- >*At the end of the motion, add “, but the Senate notes that:*
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- > *(a) the Albanese Government’s economic mismanagement and high inflation has resulted in escalating student debt for some 3 million Australians with a HELP (Higher Education Loan Program) loan,*
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- > *(b) the proposal to change HELP indexation to the lower of the wage price index or the consumer price index would still result in student debts increasing by 11.1 per cent since June 2022, with no date by which student debt credits will be applied or refunds paid,*
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- > *(c) whether it is student debt, housing or paying bills, Australians continue to suffer acute cost-of-living pain under this government,*
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- > *(d) the Government has failed to detail eligibility criteria for the Commonwealth Prac Payments or how students will receive those payments, noting that students studying in other areas of workforce shortage such as occupational therapy, psychology and veterinary studies have been excluded from the scheme; and*
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- > *(e) the Government’s decision to mandate 40% of the Student Services and Amenities Fee revenue be directed to student led organisations, including student unions, associations and guilds, lacks any transparency measures to ensure money is spent on services which support student welfare”.*