

The majority voted against a motion to agree with the main idea of the bill. In other words, they voted against reading it for a second time. This means that the bill was rejected and will no longer be considered in the Senate.

What is the bill's main idea?

Tasmanian Senator Nick McKim (Greens) explained that:

This bill, the Ending Native Forest Logging Bill 2023, seeks to put an end to the outdated practice of destroying biodiversity by the industrial logging of our native forests, which also, of course, contributes massively to the breakdown of the planet's climate that is happening as we speak here today. This bill seeks to put an end to the practice of logging public forests in Australia by repealing the Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002, closing a massive loophole in our environment laws.

No rebellion

Note that West Australian Senator Fatima Payman (Independent) is currently showing as a rebel voter but this is inaccurate as Senator Payman is no longer a member of the Labor Party.

Votes Not passed by a modest majority

There was 1 rebellion in this division.

  • Fatima Payman voted Yes against the majority of the Australian Labor Party.
Party Votes
Australian Greens (100% turnout) 11 Yes 0 No
Penny Allman-Payne Queensland Yes
Dorinda Cox WA Yes
Mehreen Faruqi NSW Yes
Sarah Hanson-Young SA Yes
Steph Hodgins-May Victoria Yes
Nick McKim Tasmania Yes
Barbara Pocock SA Yes
David Shoebridge NSW Yes
Jordon Steele-John WA Yes
Larissa Waters Queensland Yes
Peter Whish-Wilson Tasmania Yes
Australian Labor Party (80% turnout) 1 Yes 19 No
Fatima Payman WA Yes
Tim Ayres NSW No
Catryna Bilyk Tasmania No
Anthony Chisholm Queensland No
Raff Ciccone Victoria No
Lisa Darmanin Victoria No
Katy Gallagher ACT No
Varun Ghosh WA No
Nita Green Queensland No
Karen Grogan SA No
Jenny McAllister NSW No
Malarndirri McCarthy NT No
Deborah O'Neill NSW No
Louise Pratt WA No
Tony Sheldon NSW No
Marielle Smith SA No
Glenn Sterle WA No
Jana Stewart Victoria No
Anne Urquhart Tasmania No
Jess Walsh Victoria No
Carol Brown Tasmania Absent
Don Farrell SA Absent
Helen Polley Tasmania Absent
Murray Watt Queensland Absent
Penny Wong SA Absent
Jacinta Nampijinpa Price NT Country Liberal Party Absent
Andrew McLachlan SA Deputy President Absent
David Pocock ACT Independent Yes
Lidia Thorpe Victoria Independent Absent
David Van Victoria Independent Absent
Jacqui Lambie Network (100% turnout) 0 Yes 2 No
Jacqui Lambie Tasmania No
Tammy Tyrrell Tasmania No
Liberal National Party (0% turnout) Absent
Matthew Canavan Queensland Absent
James McGrath Queensland Absent
Liberal Party (26% turnout) 0 Yes 6 No
Andrew Bragg NSW No
Michaelia Cash WA No
Richard Colbeck Tasmania No
Sarah Henderson Victoria No
Matt O'Sullivan WA No
Paul Scarr Queensland No
Alex Antic SA Absent
Wendy Askew Tasmania Absent
Simon Birmingham SA Absent
Slade Brockman WA Absent
Claire Chandler Tasmania Absent
Jonathon Duniam Tasmania Absent
David Fawcett SA Absent
Hollie Hughes NSW Absent
Jane Hume Victoria Absent
Maria Kovacic NSW Absent
Kerrynne Liddle SA Absent
James Paterson Victoria Absent
Gerard Rennick Queensland Absent
Linda Reynolds WA Absent
Anne Ruston SA Absent
Dave Sharma NSW Absent
Dean Smith WA Absent
National Party (25% turnout) 0 Yes 1 No
Perin Davey NSW No
Ross Cadell NSW Absent
Susan McDonald Queensland Absent
Bridget McKenzie Victoria Absent
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party (50% turnout) 0 Yes 1 No
Malcolm Roberts Queensland No
Pauline Hanson Queensland Absent
Sue Lines WA President Absent
Ralph Babet Victoria United Australia Party No
Totals (57% turnout) 13 Yes – 30 No