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senate vote 2024-07-02#2

Edited by mackay staff

on 2024-07-24 19:21:08


  • Business Rearrangement
  • Business - Rearrangement - Put the question


  • <p class="speaker">Sue Lines</p>
  • <p>Senators, Senator Hanson-Young asked me privately to review the tape on the giving of leave to Senator Ayres shortly before the two-minute statements, as Senator Ayres sought leave to move a motion about the routine of business. I have checked the tape and can confirm that I did initially indicate that leave was denied. It was my mistake to then take a subsequent call of 'yes'. For that, I apologise. Because leave was not properly granted, the Senate should take it that Senator Ayres was not authorised to move the motion. There is therefore no deferred division in respect of the matter proposed by Senator Ayres.</p>
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion](
  • > *That [the question]( be now put.*
  • <p class="speaker">Penny Wong</p>
  • <p>I again seek leave to move a motion relating to the consideration of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamation) Bill 2024. For the information of the Senate, this is substantively the same matter Senator Ayres attempted to move prior to two-minute statements today. If the substantive motion is passed it would have the effect of bringing on the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamation) Bill 2024 immediately, and questions on all remaining stages being put.</p>
  • <p>Leave not granted.</p>
  • <p>Pursuant to contingent notice, I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That so much of standing orders be suspended as would prevent me moving a motion to provide for the consideration of a matter, namely a motion to allow a motion relating to the consideration of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Withdrawal from Amalgamation) Bill 2024 to be moved and determined immediately.</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That the question be now put.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Sue Lines</p>
  • <p>The question is that the question be now put on the motion to suspend standing orders.</p>
  • <p></p>
  • <p></p>