senate vote 2023-11-14#5
Edited by
mackay staff
2024-06-30 13:32:43
Committees — Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee; Reference
- Committees - Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee; Reference - Compulsory acquisition of land
<p class="speaker">Matt O'Sullivan</p>
<p>As nobody is seeking the call, I'll put the question. The question is that the motion moved by Senator Cadell and Senator Colbeck be agreed to.</p>
- The majority voted against a [motion]( introduced by NSW Senator [Ross Cadell]( (Nationals) and Tasmanian Senator [Richard Colbeck]( (Liberal), which means it failed.
- ### Motion text
- > *That, noting that as the national electricity grid is rapidly transitioning to more dispersed methods of generation, transmission and storage, and acknowledging that such transitions will transgress on agricultural, Indigenous, national or marine parks, and protected environmental land, the following matter be referred to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee for inquiry and report by 11 June 2024:*
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- > *The compulsory acquisition of land, including interests in land, for purposes related to electricity generation, transmission, distribution and storage with particular reference to:*
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- > *(a) the interaction and efficacy of compulsory access and acquisition powers and responsibilities of Commonwealth, state and territory governments;*
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- > *(b) the adequacy of Commonwealth, state and territory legislation, policies, programs, schemes and funding relating to compulsory access and acquisition of land (including an interest in land) from landholders;*
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- > *(c) the provision, and disbursement, of compensation under Commonwealth, state and territory governments' compulsory access and acquisition legislation and policy;*
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- > *(d) identifying best practice approaches to the development and implementation of a fair national approach to compulsory access and acquisition consultation and compensation;*
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- > *(e) measures required to secure the rights of landowners, farmers and fishers to maintain and safeguard the continued productivity of agriculture and fisheries, including emergency management;*
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- > *(f) the efficacy of consultation processes between Indigenous landholders, farmers and fishers, and Commonwealth, state and territory governments and energy companies seeking to compulsorily access or acquire agricultural, Indigenous, National and marine parks, and protected environmental lands; and*
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- > *(g) any related matters.*