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senate vote 2023-08-08#3
Edited by
mackay staff
2023-09-29 10:07:16
Committees — Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; Reporting Date
- Committees - Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; Reporting Date - Invited representatives
<p class="speaker">Ross Cadell</p>
<p>At the request of Senator Canavan, I move:</p>
- The same number of senators voted for and against an [amendment]( to a [motion](, which means it was unsuccessful. The amendment was introduced by ACT Senator [David Pocock]( (Independent).
- ### Amendment text
- > *That the motion be amended as follows:*
- >
- >> *Paragraph (b), after "invite representatives of the following organisations" insert ", and any others the committee so chooses,".*
- >>
- >> *Paragraph (b)(ii), omit "and".*
- >>
- >> *After paragraph (b) (iii), add:*
- >>
- >>> *(iv) the Health Care Consumers Association, and*
- >>>
- >>> *(v) the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation.*
<p class="italic">That, in respect of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee's inquiry on the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment Bill 2023:</p>
<p class="italic">(a) the time for the presentation of the report be extended to Wednesday 6 September 2023; and</p>
<p class="italic">(b) the Senate directs the committee to hold a public hearing in Canberra before the committee reports and invite representatives of the following organisations to give evidence for a period between 30 to 60 minutes each:</p>
<p class="italic">(i) the Australian Capital Territory Government,</p>
<p class="italic">(ii) Calvary Health Care ACT Limited, and</p>
<p class="italic">(iii) the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn.</p>
<p class="speaker">David Pocock</p>
<p>by leave—I move:</p>
<p class="italic">That the motion be amended as follows:</p>
<p class="italic">Paragraph (b), after "invite representatives of the following organisations" insert ", and any others the committee so chooses,".</p>
<p class="italic">Paragraph (b)(ii), omit "and".</p>
<p class="italic">After paragraph (b) (iii), add:</p>
<p class="italic">(iv) the Health Care Consumers Association, and</p>
<p class="italic">(v) the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation.</p>
<p class="speaker">Sue Lines</p>
<p>The question is that the motion to amend business of the Senate motion No. 286, as moved by Senator David Pocock, be agreed to.</p>