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senate vote 2023-03-08#6

Edited by mackay staff

on 2023-04-14 10:23:56


  • Matters of Urgency Gender Equality
  • Matters of Urgency - Gender Equality - Stage 3 cuts


  • <p class="speaker">Jess Walsh</p>
  • <p>I understand that we need to vote on Senator McKim's urgency motion and that that needs to occur for reasons that precede my presence in the chair. I will now put the question that the motion moved by Senator McKim be agreed to.</p>
  • The majority voted against a [motion](
  • > *That, in the opinion of the Senate, the following is a matter of urgency:*
  • >
  • > *That women in Australia deserve genuine progress on women's safety, health and economic security, including:*
  • >
  • >> *the country*
  • >
  • > *all of which could be funded with $254 billion in savings from scrapping the Stage 3 tax cuts, which mostly benefit rich men.*
  • Motions like these don't make any legal changes on their own, but they can be politically influential because - when successful - they represent the will of the Senate majority.
  • <p></p>
  • <p></p>