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senate vote 2021-08-04#7
Edited by
mackay staff
2021-08-06 12:17:44
Documents — Urban Congestion Fund; Order for the Production of Documents
- Documents - Urban Congestion Fund - Order for the Production of Documents
<p class="speaker">Dean Smith</p>
<p>Earlier in the afternoon, the Senate was dealing with notice of motion No. 1201 in Senator Gallagher's office and the government whip at the time, which was me, made an error in the counting and pairing of the government's position. I have consulted with other whips around the chamber and, with the leave of the chamber, I was hoping we might be able to recommit that verdict.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
- The same number of senators voted for and against the [motion](, which means it failed. This is the second time [this same motion]( has been voted on. It was voted on again [at the request]( of West Australian Senator [Dean Smith]( (Liberal).
- ### Motion text
- > *That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, by no later than 10 am on Monday, 9 August 2021, the following documents discussed during a hearing of the [Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee]( (the committee) on 19 July 2021:*
- >
- > *(a) any email or document setting out the list of 'top twenty marginal seats' to be 'canvassed' for projects as part of the Urban Congestion Fund (UCF), as referred to by Mr Brian Boyd of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) on page 5 of the Hansard of the committee's hearing on 19 July 2021;*
- >
- > *(b) any spreadsheets created by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development for the purpose of setting out proposed UCF projects, as referenced in paragraphs 2.30 to 2.32 of the ANAO's report, Administration of commuter car park projects within the Urban Congestion Fund;*
- >
- > *(c) any spreadsheets created by, originating in, or shared between the Prime Minister's Office and the offices of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development or the Minister for Urban Infrastructure, setting out proposed UCF projects, as referenced in paragraphs 2.30 to 2.32 of the ANAO's report, Administration of commuter car park projects within the Urban Congestion Fund; and*
- >
- > *(d) any maps and attached schedules referred to by Mr Boyd of the ANAO on page 8 of the Hansard of the committee's hearing on 19 July 2021, setting out where projected UCF expenditure would take place and the party affiliation of the seats in which that expenditure would occur.*
<p>Given the extensive pairing arrangements, that is understandable and leave is granted. Senator Urquhart?</p>
<p class="speaker">Anne Urquhart</p>
<p>I was going to ask Senator Smith for an explanation, but I think he has given that. We are happy to grant leave.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>Senator Patrick?</p>
<p class="speaker">Rex Patrick</p>
<p>Just for clarification: which notice of motion was it?</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>It was the order for the production of documents with respect to the Urban Congestion Fund. Senator McKim?</p>
<p class="speaker">Nick McKim</p>
<p>I indicate that the Australian Greens would be happy for this to be recommitted.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>I will re-put the motion. With the leave of the Senate, we are recommitting this. The question is that motion No. 1201, in the name of Senator Gallagher, be agreed to.</p>