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senate vote 2021-03-18#10
Edited by
mackay staff
2022-07-08 10:38:06
- The same number of senators voted for and against a [motion]( that:
- > *[schedule 5](;db=LEGISLATION;id=legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0005;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0000%22;rec=0) and [division 6 of schedule 7](;db=LEGISLATION;id=legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0007;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0000%22;rec=0#4c0a8a88be29455aaaddb1d30b912cb3) stand as printed*
In other words, the same number of senators voted that those provisions remain as they are. Because a majority was not reached, the motion failed and those provisions will be removed from the bill.
- In other words, the same number of senators voted for and against those provisions remaining as they are. Because a majority was not reached, the motion failed and those provisions will be removed from the bill.
- The provisions related to compliance and enforcement - read more about them in the [bills digest](
senate vote 2021-03-18#10
Edited by
mackay staff
2022-07-08 10:32:47
The same number of senators voted for and against a [motion]( put by the Government that:
- The same number of senators voted for and against a [motion]( that:
- > *[schedule 5](;db=LEGISLATION;id=legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0005;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0000%22;rec=0) and [division 6 of schedule 7](;db=LEGISLATION;id=legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0007;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0000%22;rec=0#4c0a8a88be29455aaaddb1d30b912cb3) stand as printed*
- In other words, the same number of senators voted that those provisions remain as they are. Because a majority was not reached, the motion failed and those provisions will be removed from the bill.
The provisions related to compliance and enforcement - read more about them in the [bills digest](
- The provisions related to compliance and enforcement - read more about them in the [bills digest](
senate vote 2021-03-18#10
Edited by
mackay staff
2022-07-08 10:12:24
Bills — Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia's Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021; in Committee
- Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia's Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021 - in Committee - Compliance and enforcement (Sch. 5)
<p class="speaker">Sue Lines</p>
<p>For clarity, that means that subsection 546(3A) in item 4 and subsection 548D(7) in item 10 of schedule 5 will be removed from the bill. I will now deal with the circulated amendments to the bill, starting with the remaining government amendments on sheet PX114. The question is that schedule 5 and divisions 3 to 7 of schedule 7 and items 2 and 3 of schedule 7 stand as printed.</p>
- The same number of senators voted for and against a [motion]( put by the Government that:
- > *[schedule 5](;db=LEGISLATION;id=legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0005;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0000%22;rec=0) and [division 6 of schedule 7](;db=LEGISLATION;id=legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0007;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbills%2Fr6653_first-reps%2F0000%22;rec=0#4c0a8a88be29455aaaddb1d30b912cb3) stand as printed*
- In other words, the same number of senators voted that those provisions remain as they are. Because a majority was not reached, the motion failed and those provisions will be removed from the bill.
- The provisions related to compliance and enforcement - read more about them in the [bills digest](
<p class="italic"> <i>The government opposed schedule 5 and schedule 7 in the following terms—</i></p>
<p class="italic">(12) Schedule 5, page 66 (line 1) to page 89 (line 16), to be opposed.</p>
<p class="italic">(14) Schedule 7, item 1, page 98 (lines 19 to 29), Division 3 to be opposed.</p>
<p class="italic">(15) Schedule 7, item 1, page 99 (line 1) to page 100 (line 4), Division 4 to be opposed.</p>
<p class="italic">(16) Schedule 7, item 1, page 100 (lines 5 to 10), Division 5 to be opposed.</p>
<p class="italic">(17) Schedule 7, item 1, page 100 (line 11) to page 101 (line 3), Division 6 to be opposed.</p>
<p class="italic">(18) Schedule 7, item 1, page 101 (lines 4 to 11), Division 7 to be opposed.</p>
<p class="italic">(19) Schedule 7, items 2 and 3, page 101 (line 12) to page 102 (line 10), to be opposed.</p>
<p class="speaker">Penny Wong</p>
<p>On behalf of the opposition, I ask that the question on schedule 5 and division 6 of schedule 7 be put separately so the opposition can vote accordingly.</p>
<p class="italic">The CHAIR: So the question is that schedule 5 and division 6 of schedule 7 stand as printed.</p>