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senate vote 2019-12-04#6

Edited by mackay staff

on 2020-04-24 09:59:00


  • Business — Rearrangement
  • Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019 - Second Reading - Negotiations with Senator Lambie


  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
  • <p>Senators, we have 1&#189; minutes left. The next speaker was Senator Hanson. Do you seek the call, Senator Hanson?</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Pauline Hanson</p>
  • The majority voted against an amendment to the usual [second reading motion]( "*That [this bill]( be now read a second time.*" Reading a bill for a second time is the same as agreeing with the main idea of the bill. The amendment was introduced by ACT Senator [Katy Gallagher]( (Labor).
  • ### Amendment text
  • > *At the end of the motion add:*
  • >
  • > *", and further consideration of the bill be made an order of the day for the first sitting day after the Minister representing the Minister for Home Affairs has laid on the table all documents relating to negotiations between the Government and Senator [Jacqui Lambie]( in relation to this bill".*
  • ### What is the bill's the main idea?
  • According to the [bills digest](
  • > *The purpose of the Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019 (the Bill) is to amend the Migration Act 1958 to repeal the provisions inserted by Schedule 6 of the Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Act 2019. These provisions (commonly referred to as the medical transfer, or medevac, provisions) established a framework for the transfer of transitory persons from regional processing countries to Australia for the purpose of medical treatment or assessment. The Bill also amends the Migration Act to allow for the removal of people brought to Australia under the medical transfer provisions back to a regional processing country once they no longer need to be in Australia.*
  • <p>Yes I do, thank you.</p>
  • <p class="italic">Senator Di Natale interjecting&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
  • <p>I understand leave will be granted. I've given the call to Senator Hanson because she was the first at her seat. My apologies. I didn't have a prior indication like I did previously. Senator Hanson.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Pauline Hanson</p>
  • <p>There has been a lot of talk now in the chamber about this&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
  • <p>Senator Di Natale, a point of order?</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Richard Di Natale</p>
  • <p>I thought the convention in this place was that when the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate or, indeed, the Manager of Opposition Business sought the call&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
  • <p>All right, Senator Di Natale.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Richard Di Natale</p>
  • <p>I'm not sure as to why they weren't&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
  • <p>Senator Di Natale, I'm trying to maintain the dignity of the Senate at a tense moment. On the previous occasion I was advised that the opposition person would seek the call, which gave me an opportunity to then supersede the speaking list. On this occasion I wasn't. I'm not blaming anyone. I had given the call to Senator Hanson. Senator Hanson, please continue.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Pauline Hanson</p>
  • <p>Thank you very much. Good try, Senator Di Natale, to stop me from making a few comments on this. I just had a quick talk with Senator Lambie then. It's extremely hard for her. I do trust her judgement.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
  • <p>Order! The time for allotted consideration of this bill has now expired.</p>
  • <p>The question is that the second reading amendment on sheet 8851 be agreed to.</p>