

The majority voted against a motion introduced by Queensland Senator Pauline Hanson (One Nation), which means it failed.

Motion text

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

(i) in July 2019, former Tasmanian senator and founder of the Australian Greens, Dr Bob Brown, stated 'The proposal to build 200 supersized wind turbines on Robbins Island cattle farm will be the death of a thousand cuts to the State's endangered shore birds',

(ii) the Australian Greens:

(A) have not opposed the Robbins Island Wind Farm, first proposed in 2013, even though the island is home to the Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagles, listed as endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act),

(B) opposed the Adani coal project on the grounds that the Black-Throated Finch, listed as endangered under the EPBC Act, would become extinct if approval was given by the Queensland Government to the Carmichael coal mine, and

(C) apply double standards in respect of species extinction, because they use an endangered species listing if it might stop a coal project proceeding, but not when an endangered species listing might stop a wind farm or solar farm project,

(iii) the matter of Mr Hamish Cumming and others versus the Victorian Minister for Planning, a matter concerning brolgas (water birds) and the Golden Plains Wind Farm, has been listed for hearing in the Supreme Court of Victoria in October 2019,

(iv) the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments spent more than $40 million on the Kogan Creek Solar Boost Project, which did not deliver one milliamp of power, before being closed, and

(v) a new industry comprising a small number of environmental consultants or brokers, who commonly receive 5% of the project cost as a fee, now operates to obtain planning approval for overseas wind farm operators; and

(b) calls on the Commonwealth Government to work with State Government Planning Ministers and their departments to be vigilant in making sure projects are viable and proper arms-length processes are followed when approving wind, solar and other renewable energy projects.

Votes Not passed by a large majority

Nobody rebelled against their party.

Party Votes
Cory Bernardi SA Australian Conservatives No
Australian Greens (89% turnout) 0 Yes 8 No
Richard Di Natale Victoria No
Mehreen Faruqi NSW No
Sarah Hanson-Young SA No
Nick McKim Tasmania No
Rachel Siewert WA No
Jordon Steele-John WA No
Larissa Waters Queensland No
Peter Whish-Wilson Tasmania No
Janet Rice Victoria Absent
Australian Labor Party (64% turnout) 0 Yes 16 No
Tim Ayres NSW No
Catryna Bilyk Tasmania No
Carol Brown Tasmania No
Raff Ciccone Victoria No
Alex Gallacher SA No
Katy Gallagher ACT No
Nita Green Queensland No
Jenny McAllister NSW No
Malarndirri McCarthy NT No
Helen Polley Tasmania No
Louise Pratt WA No
Tony Sheldon NSW No
Marielle Smith SA No
Glenn Sterle WA No
Jess Walsh Victoria No
Murray Watt Queensland No
Kim Carr Victoria Absent
Anthony Chisholm Queensland Absent
Patrick Dodson WA Absent
Don Farrell SA Absent
Kristina Keneally NSW Absent
Kimberley Kitching Victoria Absent
Deborah O'Neill NSW Absent
Anne Urquhart Tasmania Absent
Penny Wong SA Absent
Centre Alliance (0% turnout) Absent
Stirling Griff SA Absent
Rex Patrick SA Absent
Sam McMahon NT Country Liberal Party No
Sue Lines WA Deputy President No
Jacqui Lambie Tasmania Jacqui Lambie Network Absent
Liberal National Party (50% turnout) 0 Yes 1 No
Matthew Canavan Queensland No
James McGrath Queensland Absent
Liberal Party (79% turnout) 0 Yes 22 No
Eric Abetz Tasmania No
Alex Antic SA No
Wendy Askew Tasmania No
Andrew Bragg NSW No
Slade Brockman WA No
Claire Chandler Tasmania No
Richard Colbeck Tasmania No
Jonathon Duniam Tasmania No
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells NSW No
Sarah Henderson Victoria No
Hollie Hughes NSW No
Jane Hume Victoria No
Matt O'Sullivan WA No
James Paterson Victoria No
Marise Payne NSW No
Gerard Rennick Queensland No
Anne Ruston SA No
Paul Scarr Queensland No
Arthur Sinodinos NSW No
Dean Smith WA No
Amanda Stoker Queensland No
David Van Victoria No
Simon Birmingham SA Absent
Michaelia Cash WA Absent
Mathias Cormann WA Absent
David Fawcett SA Absent
Linda Reynolds WA Absent
Zed Seselja ACT Absent
National Party (67% turnout) 0 Yes 2 No
Perin Davey NSW No
Susan McDonald Queensland No
Bridget McKenzie Victoria Absent
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party (100% turnout) 2 Yes 0 No
Pauline Hanson Queensland Yes
Malcolm Roberts Queensland Yes
Scott Ryan Victoria President No
Totals (72% turnout) 2 Yes – 53 No