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senate vote 2019-04-03#9

Edited by mackay staff

on 2019-04-26 13:52:27


  • Bills — Governor-General Amendment (Salary) Bill 2019; Second Reading
  • Governor-General Amendment (Salary) Bill 2019 - Second Reading - Serious misconduct


  • <p class="speaker">Derryn Hinch</p>
  • <p>I seek leave to make a very short statement.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Jane Hume</p>
  • The majority voted against an [amendment](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr6258_amend_606b1855-1210-4b3a-81c6-68ef783faecc%22;rec=0) introduced by Victorian Senator [Derryn Hinch]( (Derryn Hinch's Justice Party), which means it failed.
  • ### What was the amendment?
  • The amendment would have inserted the following into the bill:
  • > *4AGA Cessation of allowances for serious misconduct*
  • >
  • >> *(1) Allowances cease to be payable to a former Governor-General or a spouse of a former Governor-General under this Act if each House of the Parliament passes a resolution that the House is of the opinion that the former Governor-General has engaged in serious misconduct.*
  • >>
  • >> *(2) The allowances cease to be payable from the day after the day the second House passes a resolution in accordance with subsection (1).*
  • In other words, if a former Governor-General engaged in serious misconduct, they are not eligible for allowances.
  • <p>Leave is granted for one minute.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Derryn Hinch</p>
  • <p>Thank you very much. We all know why former Governor-General Peter Hollingworth was forced to resign in 2003. His repeated misconduct in handling allegations of sexual abuse is well documented and was again brought to light during the royal commission. It is just common sense that a government-appointed&#8212;not elected&#8212;official who is forced to resign due to serious misconduct should not then go on to receive a pension in retirement worth millions of dollars at the taxpayer's expense. My amendment enables the parliament to consider such cases and, if appropriate, put a stop to them.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Jane Hume</p>
  • <p>The question is that the second reading amendment on sheet 8677 circulated by Derryn Hinch's Justice Party be agreed to.</p>