

The majority voted against a motion introduced by Greens Senator Larissa Waters (Qld), which means it failed.

Motion text

That the Senate—

(a) notes:

(i) that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forecasts that warming of 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels will see the death of 100 per cent of coral reefs globally, and that warming of 1.5°C will see 90 per cent of coral reefs die,

(ii) that the IPCC forecasts that warming is likely to reach 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels between 2030 and 2052 if it continues at the current trajectory,

(iii) the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report, released on 18 September 2018, Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Coral Reefs: Update to the First Global Scientific Assessment, which confirms that remaining within 1.5°C climate target is critical for survival of World Heritage-listed coral reefs,

(iv) the statement by the Chair of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation Board during the Brisbane hearing of the inquiry into the Great Barrier Reef 2050 Partnership Program, that "many reefs around the world are classified as in danger, regardless of whether UNESCO has them listed", and

(v) that 64 000 people rely on jobs supported by the Great Barrier Reef; and

(b) calls on the Federal Government to:

(i) ban corporate donations to political parties from the fossil fuel industry, an industry which financially benefits from this Government's lack of action on climate change,

(ii) get a climate policy that limits global warming to 1 degrees to protect the Great Barrier Reef and Australians from extreme weather events, and

(iii) revoke all federal approvals for the Adani Carmichael mine, and not approve any new coal in Australia.

Votes Not passed by a large majority

Nobody rebelled against their party.

Party Votes
Cory Bernardi SA Australian Conservatives No
Australian Greens (89% turnout) 8 Yes 0 No
Richard Di Natale Victoria Yes
Mehreen Faruqi NSW Yes
Sarah Hanson-Young SA Yes
Nick McKim Tasmania Yes
Janet Rice Victoria Yes
Rachel Siewert WA Yes
Larissa Waters Queensland Yes
Peter Whish-Wilson Tasmania Yes
Jordon Steele-John WA Absent
Australian Labor Party (72% turnout) 0 Yes 18 No
Catryna Bilyk Tasmania No
Kim Carr Victoria No
Anthony Chisholm Queensland No
Jacinta Collins Victoria No
Patrick Dodson WA No
Alex Gallacher SA No
Kristina Keneally NSW No
Kimberley Kitching Victoria No
Gavin Marshall Victoria No
Jenny McAllister NSW No
Malarndirri McCarthy NT No
Claire Moore Queensland No
Louise Pratt WA No
Lisa Singh Tasmania No
David Smith ACT No
Glenn Sterle WA No
Anne Urquhart Tasmania No
Murray Watt Queensland No
Carol Brown Tasmania Absent
Doug Cameron NSW Absent
Don Farrell SA Absent
Chris Ketter Queensland Absent
Deborah O'Neill NSW Absent
Helen Polley Tasmania Absent
Penny Wong SA Absent
Centre Alliance (100% turnout) 0 Yes 2 No
Stirling Griff SA No
Rex Patrick SA No
Nigel Scullion NT Country Liberal Party Absent
Derryn Hinch Victoria Derryn Hinch's Justice Party No
Sue Lines WA Deputy President No
Tim Storer SA Independent No
Steve Martin Tasmania Independent Absent
Fraser Anning Queensland Katter's Australian Party No
David Leyonhjelm NSW Liberal Democratic Party No
Liberal National Party (50% turnout) 0 Yes 1 No
James McGrath Queensland No
Matthew Canavan Queensland Absent
Liberal Party (57% turnout) 0 Yes 13 No
Eric Abetz Tasmania No
David Bushby Tasmania No
Richard Colbeck Tasmania No
Jonathon Duniam Tasmania No
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells NSW No
Mitch Fifield Victoria No
Jane Hume Victoria No
Jim Molan NSW No
James Paterson Victoria No
Linda Reynolds WA No
Anne Ruston SA No
Dean Smith WA No
Amanda Stoker Queensland No
Simon Birmingham SA Absent
Slade Brockman WA Absent
Michaelia Cash WA Absent
Mathias Cormann WA Absent
David Fawcett SA Absent
Lucy Gichuhi SA Absent
Ian Macdonald Queensland Absent
Marise Payne NSW Absent
Zed Seselja ACT Absent
Arthur Sinodinos NSW Absent
National Party (33% turnout) 0 Yes 1 No
John Williams NSW No
Bridget McKenzie Victoria Absent
Barry O'Sullivan Queensland Absent
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party (150% turnout) 0 Yes 3 No
Brian Burston NSW No
Peter Georgiou WA No
Pauline Hanson Queensland No
Scott Ryan Victoria President No
Brian Burston NSW United Australia Party Absent
Totals (70% turnout) 8 Yes – 45 No