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senate vote 2018-09-10#2
Edited by
mackay staff
2019-02-08 13:00:48
Bills — Animal Export Legislation Amendment (Ending Long-Haul Live Sheep Exports) Bill 2018; Second Reading
- Animal Export Legislation Amendment (Ending Long-Haul Live Sheep Exports) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>The question now is that the bill be read a second time.</p>
- The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( to agree with the main idea of the bill. In parliamentary jargon, they voted to read the bill [for a second time](
- ### What is the bill's main idea?
- This [bill](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/s1129) was introduced to:
- > *restrict the long haul export of live sheep and lambs during the northern hemisphere summer months of July, August or September in a five year transitional period, or at any time after that period, where the voyage is by ship and of duration exceeding 10 days, and where a place in that voyage is either the Persian Gulf or the Red Sea (regardless of whether it is the final destination).*