

The majority voted against a motion introduced by Nick Xenophon Team Skye Kakoschke-Moore that called for "the Government to develop and apply the National Consumer Protection Framework to land-based betting, as well as online gambling", which means the motion failed.

Motion text

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

(i) the National Consumer Protection Framework, in relation to interactive gambling, is currently being developed,

(ii) Commonwealth, state and territory gambling ministers are meeting regarding the Framework on 31 March 2017,

(iii) the Framework is being developed as a response to the O'Farrell Review and that gaming ministers are aiming to develop a better harm–minimisation strategy around online services,

(iv) currently, harm–minimisation strategies are a matter for states and territories, despite the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth) (IGA) regulating electronic gambling,

(v) there is no national gambling regulator and the Nick Xenophon Team's amendment to the Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016, to establish a national regulator, was rejected by the Government,

(vi) the Framework will not apply to land-based betting,

(vii) land-based betting includes electronic betting terminals (EBTs) which are permitted under the IGA but harm–minimisation strategies are regulated by states and territories,

(viii) statistics show at least 400,000 Australians either have a significant gambling addiction or are showing signs of developing a problem – the Productivity Commission has also stated that every problem gambler impacts on average on seven other people, and

(ix) the harm caused by gambling, such as financial hardship, relationship breakdown and emotional harm is the same, regardless of what form of gambling the harm arises from; and

(b) calls on the Government to develop and apply the National Consumer Protection Framework to land-based betting, as well as online gambling.

Votes Not passed by a modest majority

Nobody rebelled against their party.

Party Votes
Cory Bernardi SA Australian Conservatives Absent
Sarah Hanson-Young SA Yes
Scott Ludlam WA Yes
Nick McKim Tasmania Yes
Lee Rhiannon NSW Yes
Janet Rice Victoria Yes
Rachel Siewert WA Yes
Peter Whish-Wilson Tasmania Yes
Richard Di Natale Victoria Absent
Larissa Waters Queensland Absent
Carol Brown Tasmania No
Doug Cameron NSW No
Anthony Chisholm Queensland No
Jacinta Collins Victoria No
Don Farrell SA No
Alex Gallacher SA No
Katy Gallagher ACT No
Chris Ketter Queensland No
Kimberley Kitching Victoria No
Jenny McAllister NSW No
Claire Moore Queensland No
Deborah O'Neill NSW No
Helen Polley Tasmania No
Louise Pratt WA No
Lisa Singh Tasmania No
Glenn Sterle WA No
Anne Urquhart Tasmania No
Murray Watt Queensland No
Catryna Bilyk Tasmania Absent
Kim Carr Victoria Absent
Sam Dastyari NSW Absent
Patrick Dodson WA Absent
Gavin Marshall Victoria Absent
Malarndirri McCarthy NT Absent
Penny Wong SA Absent
Nigel Scullion NT Country Liberal Party No
Derryn Hinch Victoria Derryn Hinch's Justice Party No
Gavin Marshall Victoria Deputy President No
Sue Lines WA Deputy President Absent
Jacqui Lambie Tasmania Independent Yes
David Leyonhjelm NSW Liberal Democratic Party No
Matthew Canavan Queensland No
James McGrath Queensland No
Eric Abetz Tasmania No
Christopher Back WA No
David Bushby Tasmania No
Jonathon Duniam Tasmania No
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells NSW No
Mitch Fifield Victoria No
James Paterson Victoria No
Marise Payne NSW No
Linda Reynolds WA No
Anne Ruston SA No
Scott Ryan Victoria No
Zed Seselja ACT No
Arthur Sinodinos NSW No
Dean Smith WA No
Simon Birmingham SA Absent
George Brandis Queensland Absent
Michaelia Cash WA Absent
Mathias Cormann WA Absent
David Fawcett SA Absent
Jane Hume Victoria Absent
Ian Macdonald Queensland Absent
Bridget McKenzie Victoria No
Barry O'Sullivan Queensland No
John Williams NSW No
Fiona Nash NSW Absent
Stirling Griff SA Yes
Skye Kakoschke-Moore SA Yes
Nick Xenophon SA Absent
Brian Burston NSW No
Peter Georgiou WA No
Pauline Hanson Queensland No
Malcolm Roberts Queensland No
Stephen Parry Tasmania President No
Totals (75% turnout) 10 Yes – 46 No