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senate vote 2016-09-14#3

Edited by mackay staff

on 2016-09-17 23:45:02


  • Regulations and Determinations Social Security (Administration) (Trial Area — East Kimberley) Determination 2016; Disallowance
  • Regulations and Determinations - Social Security (Administration) (Trial Area — East Kimberley) Determination 2016 - Disallow


  • <p class='motion-notice motion-notice-truncated'>Long debate text truncated.</p>
  • The majority voted against a [motion]( to disallow the [Social Security (Administration) (Trial Area—East Kimberley) Determination 2016](, which means it was unsuccessful and the Determination will remain law. The motion was introduced by Greens Senator [Rachel Siewert](
  • ### What does this mean?
  • Senator Siewert proposed to stop the Determination from having legal force, so that it was no longer law.
  • The [explanatory statement]( explains that the Determination introduced a debit card trial that:
  • > *will test the concept of cashless welfare arrangements by disbursing particular welfare payments to a welfare restricted bank account, accessed by a debit card which does not allow cash withdrawals.*
  • ### Motion text
  • > *That the Senate disallow the Social Security (Administration) (Trial Area—East Kimberley) Determination 2016.*