

The majority voted in favour of a motion introduced by Queensland Senator Barry O'Sullivan (Nationals), which means it succeeded. Motions like these don't make any legal changes on their own, but are politically influential because they represent the will of the Senate.

Motion text

(a) notes:

( i ) the near fatal overdose by five young people of the deadly and illegal drug fantasy, gamma hydroxybutyrate , at a South Stradbroke Island dance party on 7 June 2015, and

(ii) the near fatal overdose by four young people of the deadly and illegal drug ecstasy on a Good Friday cruise in Sydney Harbour on 4 April 2015; and

(c) calls on the Australian Greens to condemn their New South Wales counterparts for their attempts to ban police sniffer dogs – an important police tool for preventing such overdoses at music festivals.

Votes Passed by a large majority

Nobody rebelled against their party.

Party Votes
Australian Greens (100% turnout) 0 Yes 9 No
Richard Di Natale Victoria No
Sarah Hanson-Young SA No
Scott Ludlam WA No
Lee Rhiannon NSW No
Janet Rice Victoria No
Rachel Siewert WA No
Larissa Waters Queensland No
Peter Whish-Wilson Tasmania No
Penny Wright SA No
Australian Labor Party (75% turnout) 18 Yes 0 No
Carol Brown Tasmania Yes
Joe Bullock WA Yes
Doug Cameron NSW Yes
Jacinta Collins Victoria Yes
Alex Gallacher SA Yes
Katy Gallagher ACT Yes
Chris Ketter Queensland Yes
Sue Lines WA Yes
Joe Ludwig Queensland Yes
Jenny McAllister NSW Yes
Anne McEwen SA Yes
Claire Moore Queensland Yes
Deborah O'Neill NSW Yes
Nova Peris NT Yes
Helen Polley Tasmania Yes
Lisa Singh Tasmania Yes
Glenn Sterle WA Yes
Anne Urquhart Tasmania Yes
Catryna Bilyk Tasmania Absent
Kim Carr Victoria Absent
Stephen Conroy Victoria Absent
Sam Dastyari NSW Absent
Jan McLucas Queensland Absent
Penny Wong SA Absent
Ricky Muir Victoria Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party Yes
Nigel Scullion NT Country Liberal Party Yes
Gavin Marshall Victoria Deputy President Absent
Bob Day SA Family First Party Yes
Jacqui Lambie Tasmania Independent Yes
Glenn Lazarus Queensland Independent Yes
John Madigan Victoria Independent Yes
Nick Xenophon SA Independent Yes
David Leyonhjelm NSW Liberal Democratic Party Absent
Liberal National Party (100% turnout) 2 Yes 0 No
Matthew Canavan Queensland Yes
James McGrath Queensland Yes
Liberal Party (64% turnout) 16 Yes 0 No
Christopher Back WA Yes
David Bushby Tasmania Yes
Michaelia Cash WA Yes
Richard Colbeck Tasmania Yes
David Fawcett SA Yes
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells NSW Yes
Mitch Fifield Victoria Yes
Bill Heffernan NSW Yes
Jo Lindgren Queensland Yes
Ian Macdonald Queensland Yes
Linda Reynolds WA Yes
Michael Ronaldson Victoria Yes
Anne Ruston SA Yes
Zed Seselja ACT Yes
Arthur Sinodinos NSW Yes
Dean Smith WA Yes
Eric Abetz Tasmania Absent
Cory Bernardi SA Absent
Simon Birmingham SA Absent
George Brandis Queensland Absent
Mathias Cormann WA Absent
Sean Edwards SA Absent
David Johnston WA Absent
Marise Payne NSW Absent
Scott Ryan Victoria Absent
National Party (75% turnout) 3 Yes 0 No
Bridget McKenzie Victoria Yes
Fiona Nash NSW Yes
Barry O'Sullivan Queensland Yes
John Williams NSW Absent
Nick Xenophon SA Nick Xenophon Team Absent
Dio Wang WA Palmer United Party Yes
Stephen Parry Tasmania President Absent
Totals (75% turnout) 47 Yes – 9 No