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senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:58:20



  • [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, [John Williams](, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • > That the Senate—
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
  • [Jan McLucas]( explained the Labor Party’s opposition to this motion:
  • > The opposition cannot support the motion before the chamber. Labor recognises that timely and planned release of land for housing improves housing affordability. However, the issue of land release is but one element of a complex array of issues that affect the affordability of housing.
  • [Scott Ludlam]( explained the Greens’ opposition to the motion:
  • > The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development ... What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem.
  • Both McLucas and Ludlam referred the people presenting this motion to the Senate Economics References Committee report [*Out of reach? The Australia affordable housing challenge*](
  • Both McLucas and Ludlam referred the people presenting this motion to the Senate Economics References Committee report [*Out of reach? The Australia affordable housing challenge*](
  • This division is related to an earlier division, [*Motions — Housing Affordability*](, on the 18th of March 2015.
senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:51:44


  • Motions — That constraints on land supply is the principal cause of worsening housing affordability
  • Motions — That constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability


senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:51:18


  • Motions — Housing Affordability
  • Motions — That constraints on land supply is the principal cause of worsening housing affordability


senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:47:48



  • [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, [John Williams](, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • > That the Senate—
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
  • [Jan McLucas]( explained the Labor Party’s opposition to this motion:
  • > The opposition cannot support the motion before the chamber. Labor recognises that timely and planned release of land for housing improves housing affordability. However, the issue of land release is but one element of a complex array of issues that affect the affordability of housing.
  • [Scott Ludlam]( explained the Greens’ opposition to the motion:
  • > The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development ... What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem.
  • Both McLucas and Ludlam referred the people presenting this motion to the Senate Economics References Committee report [*Out of reach? The Australia affordable housing challenge*](
  • Both McLucas and Ludlam referred the people presenting this motion to the Senate Economics References Committee report [*Out of reach? The Australia affordable housing challenge*](
senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:47:36



  • [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, [John Williams](, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • > That the Senate—
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
  • [Jan McLucas]( explained the Labor Party’s opposition to this motion:
  • > The opposition cannot support the motion before the chamber. Labor recognises that timely and planned release of land for housing improves housing affordability. However, the issue of land release is but one element of a complex array of issues that affect the affordability of housing.
  • [Scott Ludlam]( explained the Greens’ opposition to the motion:
  • > The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development ... What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem.
  • > The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development ... What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem.
  • Both McLucas and Ludlam referred the people presenting this motion to the Senate Economics References Committee report [*Out of reach? The Australia affordable housing challenge*](
senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:45:09



  • [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, [John Williams](, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • > That the Senate—
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
  • Jan McLucas explained the Labor Party’s opposition to this motion:
  • [Jan McLucas]( explained the Labor Party’s opposition to this motion:
  • > The opposition cannot support the motion before the chamber. Labor recognises that timely and planned release of land for housing improves housing affordability. However, the issue of land release is but one element of a complex array of issues that affect the affordability of housing.
  • Scott Ludlam explained the Greens’ opposition to the motion:
  • [Scott Ludlam]( explained the Greens’ opposition to the motion:
  • > The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development ... What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem.
  • > The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development ... What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem.
senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:44:02



  • Senator [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, [John Williams](, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, [John Williams](, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • > That the Senate—
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
  • Jan McLucas explained the Labor Party’s opposition to this motion:
  • > The opposition cannot support the motion before the chamber. Labor recognises that timely and planned release of land for housing improves housing affordability. However, the issue of land release is but one element of a complex array of issues that affect the affordability of housing.
  • Scott Ludlam explained the Greens’ opposition to the motion:
  • > The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development ... What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem.
senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:37:47



  • Senator [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, Williams, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • Senator [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, [John Williams](, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • > That the Senate—
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:35:55



  • Senator Bob Day, on behalf of themselves and Senators Leyonhjelm, Back, Canavan, Williams, Bernardi, Madigan, O'Sullivan and McKenzie, moved:
  • Senator [Bob Day](, on behalf of themselves and Senators [David Leyonhjelm](, [Christopher Back](, [Matthew Canavan](, Williams, [Cory Bernardi](, [John Madigan](, [Barry O'Sullivan]('sullivan) and [Bridget McKenzie](, moved:
  • > That the Senate—
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
senate vote 2015-05-13#5

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-06-16 13:26:25



  • <p class="speaker">Bob Day</p>
  • <p>I, and also on behalf of Senators Leyonhjelm, Back, Canavan, Williams, Bernardi, Madigan, O'Sullivan and McKenzie, move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That the Senate&#8212;</p>
  • Senator Bob Day, on behalf of themselves and Senators Leyonhjelm, Back, Canavan, Williams, Bernardi, Madigan, O'Sullivan and McKenzie, moved:
  • > That the Senate
  • >
  • > (a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and
  • >
  • > (b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.
  • <p class="italic">(a) questions the restriction of land for new housing and subsequent pricing policies by state and territory land management agencies; and</p>
  • <p class="italic">(b) highlights the constraints on land supply which are the principal causes of worsening housing affordability.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Jan McLucas</p>
  • <p>I seek leave to make a short statement.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Stephen Parry</p>
  • <p>Leave is granted for one minute.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Jan McLucas</p>
  • <p>The opposition cannot support the motion before the chamber. Labor recognises that timely and planned release of land for housing improves housing affordability. However, the issue of land release is but one element of a complex array of issues that affect the affordability of housing. Labor commends to movers of the motion the Senate Economics References Committee report <i>Out of reach? The Australia affordable housing challenge</i>.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ludlam</p>
  • <p>I seek leave to make a short statement.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Stephen Parry</p>
  • <p>Leave is granted for one minute.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ludlam</p>
  • <p>This is the second time that a motion to this effect has been brought forward by Senator Day and colleagues. The Greens do not have any objection to questions around restriction of land for housing development, although I would like to see a critique of whether the movers of this motion assume that should all be on the urban fringe or whether there is room for an intelligent conversation about infill along public transport corridors. What we do object to, and why the Greens will not be supporting this motion, is that asserting that the constraints on land supply are the principal cause of worsening housing affordability dramatically oversimplifies an incredibly complex problem. The report the Senator McLucas just referred you to is a 496-page report with 40 recommendations. We heard from more than a hundred witnesses, including the HIA and the housing industry, as well as many others, mentioning the tax treatment both state and federal, population growth, building codes, the labour market. It is complex. Please stop trying to oversimplify housing affordability. <i>(Time expired)</i></p>
  • <p class="speaker">Stephen Parry</p>
  • <p>The question is that the motion moved by Senator Day be agreed to.</p>
  • <p>The Senate divided. [15:49]</p>
  • <p>(The President&#8212;Senator Parry)</p>