senate vote 2014-09-23#4
Edited by
mackay staff
2014-11-14 16:32:09
The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( moved by Palmer United Party Senator [Glenn Lazarus]( The motion was:
- The majority agreed that the motion to establish a [select committee]( [should be called on immediately]( so it can be moved and determined without debate.
> *That general business notice of motion No. 418, as amended, relating to the establishment of the Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration, be called on immediately, moved and determined without debate.*
- ###What will the committee do?
Because this was successful, the motion to establish this Select Committee will be accelerated in this way.
- The select committee will inquire into and report on:
_Background to the motion_
- * what the [Queensland Government]( has done with funds given to them by the [Federal Government]( since 26 March 2012 (which is when Premier [Campbell Newman]( took up his office);
- * [judicial independence]( and [separation of powers](;
- * the approval process for development projects related to exporting resources or services;
- * whether the Queensland Government's policies are consistent with Australia's obligations under [international law](, including [environmental law]( and [human rights]( instruments; and
- * how appropriate it is for the Federal [Minister for the Environment]( to delegate his approval powers to the Queensland Government under the [Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999](
Senator Lazarus explained that his motion to establish a [select committee]( on certain aspects of the Queensland government administration was motivated by the fact that, "[o]ver the last 18 months, serious issues have been raised across the community regarding Queensland government appointments, judicial appointments, project approvals, use of funds, policies and practices, environmental degradation and various other matters" (see [here]( for Senator Lazarus' full explanation).
- But! Because of Australia's [federal system of government](, the committee can only look into these things if they in some way relate to the Commonwealth.
- ###Background to the motion
- Palmer United Party Senator [Glenn Lazarus]( explained that he proposed to establish this select committee because "serious issues have been raised across the community regarding Queensland government appointments, judicial appointments, project approvals, use of funds, policies and practices, environmental degradation and various other matters" (see his [full explanation](
senate vote 2014-09-23#4
Edited by
mackay staff
2014-10-10 16:10:25
- The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( moved by Palmer United Party Senator [Glenn Lazarus]( The motion was:
''That general business notice of motion No. 418, as amended, relating to the establishment of the Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration, be called on immediately, moved and determined without debate.''
- > *That general business notice of motion No. 418, as amended, relating to the establishment of the Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration, be called on immediately, moved and determined without debate.*
- Because this was successful, the motion to establish this Select Committee will be accelerated in this way.
- _Background to the motion_
- Senator Lazarus explained that his motion to establish a [select committee]( on certain aspects of the Queensland government administration was motivated by the fact that, "[o]ver the last 18 months, serious issues have been raised across the community regarding Queensland government appointments, judicial appointments, project approvals, use of funds, policies and practices, environmental degradation and various other matters" (see [here]( for Senator Lazarus' full explanation).
senate vote 2014-09-23#4
Edited by
mackay staff
2014-10-09 12:42:19
Committees — Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration Related to Commonwealth Government Affairs; Appointment
- Committees - Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration - Speed up consideration of motion
<p class="speaker">Stephen Parry</p>
<p>Senator Macdonald, did you have a question of me?</p>
<p class="speaker">Ian Macdonald</p>
- The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( moved by Palmer United Party Senator [Glenn Lazarus]( The motion was:
- ''That general business notice of motion No. 418, as amended, relating to the establishment of the Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration, be called on immediately, moved and determined without debate.''
- Because this was successful, the motion to establish this Select Committee will be accelerated in this way.
- _Background to the motion_
- Senator Lazarus explained that his motion to establish a [select committee]( on certain aspects of the Queensland government administration was motivated by the fact that, "[o]ver the last 18 months, serious issues have been raised across the community regarding Queensland government appointments, judicial appointments, project approvals, use of funds, policies and practices, environmental degradation and various other matters" (see [here]( for Senator Lazarus' full explanation).
<p>Yes. I wanted to move the motion I foreshadowed, after Senator Abetz's motion for an amendment is put.</p>
<p class="speaker">Stephen Parry</p>
<p>Just a moment, Senator Macdonald; I will just take some advice. Senator Macdonald, it is how I explained it to you earlier. We now have one more step of the motion to go through—that is, the procedural motion moved by Senator Lazarus. If that takes effect, then Senator Lazarus has the right to move notice of motion No. 418 and then any senator has the right to amend or seek leave to amend 418. As everyone is clear on this, the question now before the chair is the motion moved by Senator Lazarus.</p>
<p class="italic">Senator Conroy interjecting—</p>
<p>No, it is not amended. The amendment has just failed. So the question is that the motion, as originally moved by Senator Lazarus, be agreed to.</p>