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senate vote 2012-11-21#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:18:03



  • The majority voted against an [ amendment] moved by Greens Senator [ Sarah Hanson-Young].
  • According the Senator Hanson-Young, the amendment requires "that there be basin-wide modelling done prior to any adjustment in the levels of sustainable diversion limits to ensure that we know exactly what the impact of the changes to that water recovery, either up or down, will actually be".(See Senator Hanson-Young's [ contribution] for more information about what the amendment does. ) She said that this modelling must be available to the public, the affected communities and the parliament.
  • Background to the bill
  • The purpose of the [ bill] is to allow the [ Murray-Darling Basin Authority] to make adjustments to the long-term average sustainable diversion limit set by the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.(See the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest] (809KB) for more information on the bill and its purpose.) Sustainable diversion limits are the average water quantities that can be taken from the [ Murray-Darling basin] sustainably and their aim is to return water to the environment.
  • References
  • The majority voted against an [amendment]( moved by Greens Senator [Sarah Hanson-Young](
  • According the Senator Hanson-Young, the amendment requires "that there be basin-wide modelling done prior to any adjustment in the levels of sustainable diversion limits to ensure that we know exactly what the impact of the changes to that water recovery, either up or down, will actually be".(See Senator Hanson-Young's [contribution]( for more information about what the amendment does. ) She said that this modelling must be available to the public, the affected communities and the parliament.
  • Background to the bill
  • The purpose of the [bill]( is to allow the [Murray-Darling Basin Authority]( to make adjustments to the long-term average sustainable diversion limit set by the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.(See the [bills digest](;fileType=application/pdf) (809KB) for more information on the bill and its purpose.) Sustainable diversion limits are the average water quantities that can be taken from the [Murray-Darling basin]( sustainably and their aim is to return water to the environment.
  • References
senate vote 2012-11-21#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:16:04



  • The majority voted against an [ amendment] moved by Greens Senator [ Sarah Hanson-Young].
  • According the Senator Hanson-Young, the amendment requires "that there be basin-wide modelling done prior to any adjustment in the levels of sustainable diversion limits to ensure that we know exactly what the impact of the changes to that water recovery, either up or down, will actually be".[1] She said that this modelling must be available to the public, the affected communities and the parliament.
  • According the Senator Hanson-Young, the amendment requires "that there be basin-wide modelling done prior to any adjustment in the levels of sustainable diversion limits to ensure that we know exactly what the impact of the changes to that water recovery, either up or down, will actually be".(See Senator Hanson-Young's [ contribution] for more information about what the amendment does. ) She said that this modelling must be available to the public, the affected communities and the parliament.
  • Background to the bill
  • The purpose of the [ bill] is to allow the [ Murray-Darling Basin Authority] to make adjustments to the long-term average sustainable diversion limit set by the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.[2] Sustainable diversion limits are the average water quantities that can be taken from the [ Murray-Darling basin] sustainably and their aim is to return water to the environment.
  • The purpose of the [ bill] is to allow the [ Murray-Darling Basin Authority] to make adjustments to the long-term average sustainable diversion limit set by the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.(See the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest] (809KB) for more information on the bill and its purpose.) Sustainable diversion limits are the average water quantities that can be taken from the [ Murray-Darling basin] sustainably and their aim is to return water to the environment.
  • References
  • * [1] See Senator Hanson-Young's [ contribution] for more information about what the amendment does.
  • * [2] See the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest] (809KB) for more information on the bill and its purpose.
senate vote 2012-11-21#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-01-23 15:08:17


  • Bills — Water Amendment (Long-Term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012; in Committee
  • Water Amendment (Long-term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012 - In Committee - Modelling


  • <p class="speaker">Stephen Parry</p>
  • <p>The committee is considering the Water Amendment (Long-term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012. The question is that the bill stand as printed.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Sarah Hanson-Young</p>
  • The majority voted against an [ amendment] moved by Greens Senator [ Sarah Hanson-Young].
  • According the Senator Hanson-Young, the amendment requires "that there be basin-wide modelling done prior to any adjustment in the levels of sustainable diversion limits to ensure that we know exactly what the impact of the changes to that water recovery, either up or down, will actually be".[1] She said that this modelling must be available to the public, the affected communities and the parliament.
  • Background to the bill
  • The purpose of the [ bill] is to allow the [ Murray-Darling Basin Authority] to make adjustments to the long-term average sustainable diversion limit set by the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.[2] Sustainable diversion limits are the average water quantities that can be taken from the [ Murray-Darling basin] sustainably and their aim is to return water to the environment.
  • References
  • * [1] See Senator Hanson-Young's [ contribution] for more information about what the amendment does.
  • * [2] See the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest] (809KB) for more information on the bill and its purpose.
  • <p>I move Australian Greens amendment (3) on sheet 7310:</p>
  • <p class="italic">(3) Schedule 1, item 10, page 6 (line 18), at the end of subsection 23A(2), add:</p>
  • <p class="italic">; and (e) a requirement for the Authority not to propose an adjustment under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) without:</p>
  • <p class="italic">&#160;&#160;(i) undertaking modelling of the environmental impacts of the proposed adjustment using an integrated water model that takes into account the best available science including the most recent knowledge about climate change, ground water and the environmental water requirements of key environmental assets and key ecosystem functions of the water resource; and</p>
  • <p class="italic">&#160;&#160;(ii) publicly releasing the modelling along with a plain language assessment of the environmental outcomes modelled, including in relation to ground water and the environmental water requirements of key environmental assets and key ecosystem functions of the water resource.</p>
  • <p>This amendment put forward by the Greens requires that there be basin-wide modelling done prior to any adjustment in the levels of sustainable diversion limits to ensure that we know exactly what the impact of the changes to that water recovery, either up or down, will actually be. As per this legislation, after the authority proposes that a particular adjustment is made, it then goes to the minister and then of course it is a disallowable instrument. That modelling must be done so that the parliament understands and can make sure that the authority has all of the information at hand about the impact that that adjustment would have.</p>
  • <p>We have heard lots of talk over the last few days about the lack of modelling that has been available&#8212;and, to their credit, members of the Nationals have stood and spoken about this&#8212;and the lack of information that has been made public. This amendment would be about ensuring that, once there is an adjustment made, that information is available&#8212;that the authority is not making the proposal in a vacuum, as some would argue has been the case.</p>
  • <p>We need to make sure that we know what the environmental impacts of any adjustment are going to be. It is not good enough for the authority to say that they have done the modelling and have looked at it themselves and for them to keep the information to themselves. It must be available to the public. It must be available to the communities that that adjustment may or may not affect. The parliament must have access to it in order to make a decision about whether they accept or deny the minister's recommendation if an adjustment is to be tabled in this place.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Stephen Conroy</p>
  • <p>The authority will have to assess that the adjustments proposed reflect an environmentally sustainable level of take. This is a requirement of the bill. The detail on how the assessment will occur is appropriately left to the Basin Plan. Based on the most recent draft of the Basin Plan and subsequent suggestions that have been made to the authority, the final plan is expected to set out details of the assessment methodology, including modelling requirements. In addition, the authority will have to include in its notice, which is tabled under 23B(2)(e) and 23B(3)(c), an outline of the materials on which it based its decision in determining that the criteria in the Basin Plan are met.</p>
  • <p>The CHAIRMAN: The question is that Australian Greens amendment (3) on sheet 7310 be agreed to.</p>