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senate vote 2007-09-18#4

Edited by mackay staff

on 2017-07-22 10:55:37


  • National Close the Gap Day
  • Motions - National Close the Gap Day - Health equality within 25 years


  • <p class="speaker">Rachel Siewert</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <dl><dt></dt><dd>That the Senate:<dl><dt>(a)</dt><dd>notes that Tuesday, 18 September 2007 is National Close the Gap Day, a day on which Australians across the nation are coming together to show their support for closing the 17-year life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and other Australians; and</dd><dt>(b)</dt><dd>calls on all federal, state and territory governments to take action to achieve health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders within 25 years by:<dl><dt>(i)</dt><dd>increasing annual Indigenous health funding by $450 million to enable equal access to health services,</dd><dt>(ii)</dt><dd>increasing Indigenous control and participation in the delivery of health services, and</dd><dt>(iii)</dt><dd>addressing critical social issues, such as housing, education and self-determination, which contribute to the Indigenous health crisis.</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl><p>Question put.</p>
  • The majority voted against a [motion]( to achieve health equality between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and other Australians within 25 years, which means the motion failed.
  • ### Motion text
  • > *That the Senate:*
  • > *(a) notes that Tuesday, 18 September 2007 is National Close the Gap Day, a day on which Australians across the nation are coming together to show their support for closing the 17-year life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and other Australians; and*
  • > *(b) calls on all federal, state and territory governments to take action to achieve health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders within 25 years by:*
  • >> *(i) increasing annual Indigenous health funding by $450 million to enable equal access to health services,*
  • >> *(ii) increasing Indigenous control and participation in the delivery of health services, and*
  • >> *(iii) addressing critical social issues, such as housing, education and self-determination, which contribute to the Indigenous health crisis.*