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senate vote 2007-08-14#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2016-07-28 13:06:08


  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Motions - Alcohol Abuse - Australian-wide approach


  • <p class="speaker">Andrew Murray</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <dl><dt>(1)</dt><dd>That the Senate, noting concern in the community at the abuse of alcohol, asks that the Government refer the following matter to an appropriate body or a specially-established task force for inquiry and report:</dd><dt></dt><dd>The need to significantly reduce alcohol abuse in Australia, especially in geographic or demographic hot spots, and what the Commonwealth, states and territories should separately and jointly do with respect to:<dl><dt>(a)</dt><dd>the pricing of alcohol, including taxation;</dd><dt>(b)</dt><dd>the marketing of alcohol; and</dd><dt>(c)</dt><dd>regulating the distribution, availability and consumption of alcohol.</dd></dl></dd><dt>(2)</dt><dd>In undertaking the inquiry regard is to be had to:<dl><dt>(a)</dt><dd>economic as well as social issues;</dd><dt>(b)</dt><dd>alcohol rehabilitation and education;</dd><dt>(c)</dt><dd>the need for a flexible responsive and adaptable regulatory regime; and</dd><dt>(d)</dt><dd>the need for a consistent harmonised Australian approach.</dd></dl></dd></dl><p>Question put.</p>
  • The majority voted against a [motion]( introduced by Australian Democrats Senator [Andrew Murray]( (WA), which means it was unsuccessful.
  • ### Motion wording
  • > *(1) That the Senate, noting concern in the community at the abuse of alcohol, asks that the Government refer the following matter to an appropriate body or a specially-established task force for inquiry and report:*
  • > *The need to significantly reduce alcohol abuse in Australia, especially in geographic or demographic hot spots, and what the Commonwealth, states and territories should separately and jointly do with respect to:*
  • >> *(a) the pricing of alcohol, including taxation;*
  • >> *(b) the marketing of alcohol; and*
  • >> *(c) regulating the distribution, availability and consumption of alcohol.*
  • > *(2) In undertaking the inquiry regard is to be had to:*
  • >> *(a) economic as well as social issues;*
  • >> *(b) alcohol rehabilitation and education;*
  • >> *(c) the need for a flexible responsive and adaptable regulatory regime; and*
  • >> *(d) the need for a consistent harmonised Australian approach.*