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senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:19:47



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • "''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''"
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))(AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat. ) to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved Australian Wheat Board Ltd (AWB) paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend this transfer of the power of veto from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.(Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest]. )
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers;
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations;
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege;
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme;
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms(Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).) for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • The majority voted against a [motion]( introduced by Labor Senator [Kerry O'Brien]( This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • "_That it be an instruction to the [Committee of the Whole]( that:_ _(a) the committee divide the [Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007]( to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and_ _(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement._"
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • _Background to the bill_
  • In 2006, the [Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006]( was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))(AWB (International) is a [subsidiary]( of [AWB Ltd]( Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [single desk]( wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat. ) to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [Volker report]( into the [UN Oil-for-food program]( and the later [Cole inquiry]( These investigations arose out of the [AWB scandal](, which involved Australian Wheat Board Ltd (AWB) paying kickbacks to to [Saddam Hussein]('s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007]( is to extend this transfer of the power of veto from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.(Read more in the [bills digest](;fileType=application/pdf). )
  • The bill also:
  • - provides the [Wheat Export Authority]( ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers;
  • - provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations;
  • - empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [single desk]( export privilege;
  • - deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme;
  • - replaces the WEA with the [Export Wheat Commission]( and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms(Read the Uhrig report [here]( (1.3 MB).) for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:16:33



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • "''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''"
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved Australian Wheat Board Ltd (AWB) paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))(AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat. ) to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved Australian Wheat Board Ltd (AWB) paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend this transfer of the power of veto from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend this transfer of the power of veto from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.(Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest]. )
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers;
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations;
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege;
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme;
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[3] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms(Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).) for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat.
  • * [2] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [3] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-15 11:31:53



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • ''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • "''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''"
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved Australian Wheat Board Ltd (AWB) paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend this transfer of the power of veto from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers;
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations;
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege;
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme;
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[3] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat.
  • * [2] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [3] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-15 11:30:26



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • ''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend this transfer of the power of veto from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers;
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations;
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege;
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme;
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[3] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat.
  • * [2] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [3] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-15 11:29:42



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • ''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend the temporary transfer of the power of veto over bulk wheat from the AWB(I) to the Minister from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend this transfer of the power of veto from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[3] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat.
  • * [2] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [3] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-15 11:28:47



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • ''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later
  • [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend the temporary transfer of the power of veto over bulk wheat from the AWB(I) to the Minister from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[3] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat.
  • * [2] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [3] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-15 11:28:02



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • ''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board(International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International)[1] (AWB(I)) to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International) (AWB(I))[1] to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later
  • [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend the temporary transfer of the power of veto over bulk wheat from the AWB(I) to the Minister from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[3] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat.
  • * [2] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [3] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-15 11:27:03



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • ''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-AWB (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-Australian Wheat Board(International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the [ Australian Wheat Board] (International) ('AWB(I)') to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the Australian Wheat Board (International)[1] (AWB(I)) to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later
  • [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend the temporary transfer of the power of veto over bulk wheat from the AWB(I) to the Minister from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[1]
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend the temporary transfer of the power of veto over bulk wheat from the AWB(I) to the Minister from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[2]
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[2] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[3] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [2] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
  • * [1] AWB (International) is a [ subsidiary] of [ AWB Ltd]. Before the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 was passed, it held the mandate for the [ single desk] wheat export operation, including the power to veto other exports of bulk wheat.
  • * [2] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [3] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).
senate vote 2007-06-21#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-15 11:20:49


  • Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007 Proposed Instruction to Committee of the Whole
  • Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007 - Proposed Instruction to Committee of the Whole - Split bill


  • <p pwmotiontext="moved">That it be an instruction to the Committee of the Whole that:<dl><dt>(a)</dt><dd>the committee divide the Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007 to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and</dd><dt>(b)</dt><dd>the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.</dd></dl></p>
  • <p pwmotiontext="moved">That the motion (<b>Senator O&#8217;Brien&#8217;s</b>) be agreed to.</p>
  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Labor Senator [ Kerry O'Brien]. This means that the motion was unsuccessful.
  • The motion was:
  • ''That it be an instruction to the [ Committee of the Whole] that:''
  • ''(a) the committee divide the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] to incorporate Schedules l, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in a separate bill; and''
  • ''(b) the committee add to that separate bill enacting words and provisions for titles and commencement.''
  • Senator O'Brien explained that the Labor Party believed that the bill should be split because it is only Schedule 2 that needs to be passed as a matter of urgency. That Schedule relates to extending the minister’s veto power over non-AWB (International) Ltd bulk exports. Senator O'Brien said that the other parts of the bill should be considered over a longer time period.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • In 2006, the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006] was passed to transfer the right to veto bulk wheat export applications from the [ Australian Wheat Board] (International) ('AWB(I)') to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry until 30 June 2007. The bill was the result of the [ Volker report] into the [ UN Oil-for-food program] and the later
  • [ Cole inquiry]. These investigations arose out of the [ AWB scandal], which involved AWB paying kickbacks to to [ Saddam Hussein]'s Iraqi regime.
  • A key feature of the [ Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007] is to extend the temporary transfer of the power of veto over bulk wheat from the AWB(I) to the Minister from the current expiry date of 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008. This ensures that the veto power does not return to AWB(I) while it manages the 2007-08 harvest and allows wheat growers time to establish a new entity to exercise the monopoly on bulk wheat exports from 1 March 2008.[1]
  • The bill also:
  • * provides the [ Wheat Export Authority] ('WEA') with broader information gathering powers
  • * provides the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with the power to direct the WEA to undertake certain investigations
  • * empowers the Minister to designate a company other than AWB(I) as the holder of the [ single desk] export privilege
  • * deregulates exports of wheat in bags and containers (i.e. non-bulk wheat) provided that exporters comply with a quality assurance scheme
  • * replaces the WEA with the [ Export Wheat Commission] and changing the relevant governance arrangements in accordance with the Uhrig reforms[2] for the governance of Commonwealth agencies.
  • References
  • * [1] Read more in the [;fileType=application/pdf bills digest].
  • * [2] Read the Uhrig report [ here] (1.3 MB).