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senate vote 2007-06-18#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:19:46



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by [ Christine Milne], which means that it was rejected. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) the use of a nuclear by-product, [ polonium-210], sourced from the Russian Federation (Russia) in the murder of [ Alexander Litvinenko],''
  • ''(ii) that Russia supplies nuclear materials to Iran,''
  • ''(iii) that Russia is in talks with the military regime in Myanmar with a view to supplying nuclear materials to that regime, and''(Read more about the military regime in Myanmar on Wikipedia [ here].)
  • ''(iv) that, following attacks on freedom of the press and the murders of several journalists in Russia, the [ Committee to Protect Journalists] rates Russia as the third most dangerous country in the world for journalists, after Iraq and Afghanistan; and''
  • ''(b) calls on the Government not to sell uranium to Russia.''
  • References
  • The majority voted against a [motion]( introduced by [Christine Milne](, which means that it was rejected. The motion was:
  • _That the Senate—_
  • _(a) notes:_
  • _(i) the use of a nuclear by-product, [polonium-210](, sourced from the Russian Federation (Russia) in the murder of [Alexander Litvinenko](,_
  • _(ii) that Russia supplies nuclear materials to Iran,_
  • _(iii) that Russia is in talks with the military regime in Myanmar with a view to supplying nuclear materials to that regime, and_(Read more about the military regime in Myanmar on Wikipedia [here](
  • _(iv) that, following attacks on freedom of the press and the murders of several journalists in Russia, the [Committee to Protect Journalists]( rates Russia as the third most dangerous country in the world for journalists, after Iraq and Afghanistan; and_
  • _(b) calls on the Government not to sell uranium to Russia._
  • References
senate vote 2007-06-18#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:16:33



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by [ Christine Milne], which means that it was rejected. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) the use of a nuclear by-product, [ polonium-210], sourced from the Russian Federation (Russia) in the murder of [ Alexander Litvinenko],''
  • ''(ii) that Russia supplies nuclear materials to Iran,''
  • ''(iii) that Russia is in talks with the military regime in Myanmar with a view to supplying nuclear materials to that regime, and''[1]
  • ''(iii) that Russia is in talks with the military regime in Myanmar with a view to supplying nuclear materials to that regime, and''(Read more about the military regime in Myanmar on Wikipedia [ here].)
  • ''(iv) that, following attacks on freedom of the press and the murders of several journalists in Russia, the [ Committee to Protect Journalists] rates Russia as the third most dangerous country in the world for journalists, after Iraq and Afghanistan; and''
  • ''(b) calls on the Government not to sell uranium to Russia.''
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the military regime in Myanmar on Wikipedia [ here].
senate vote 2007-06-18#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-08-08 13:12:05


  • Uranium Exports
  • Motions - Uranium Exports - No export to Russia


  • <p class="speaker">Christine Milne</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <dl><dt></dt><dd>That the Senate&#8212;<dl><dt></dt><dd>(a)&#160;&#160; notes:<dl><dt></dt><dd>(i)&#160;&#160; the use of a nuclear by-product, polonium-210, sourced from the Russian Federation (Russia) in the murder of Alexander Litvinenko,</dd><dt></dt><dd>(ii)&#160;&#160; that Russia supplies nuclear materials to Iran,</dd><dt></dt><dd>(iii)&#160;&#160; that Russia is in talks with the military regime in Myanmar with a view to supplying nuclear materials to that regime, and</dd><dt></dt><dd>(iv)&#160;&#160; that, following attacks on freedom of the press and the murders of several journalists in Russia, the Committee to Protect Journalists rates Russia as the third most dangerous country in the world for journalists, after Iraq and Afghanistan; and</dd></dl></dd><dt></dt><dd>(b)&#160;&#160; calls on the Government not to sell uranium to Russia.</dd></dl></dd></dl><p>Question put.</p>
  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by [ Christine Milne], which means that it was rejected. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) the use of a nuclear by-product, [ polonium-210], sourced from the Russian Federation (Russia) in the murder of [ Alexander Litvinenko],''
  • ''(ii) that Russia supplies nuclear materials to Iran,''
  • ''(iii) that Russia is in talks with the military regime in Myanmar with a view to supplying nuclear materials to that regime, and''[1]
  • ''(iv) that, following attacks on freedom of the press and the murders of several journalists in Russia, the [ Committee to Protect Journalists] rates Russia as the third most dangerous country in the world for journalists, after Iraq and Afghanistan; and''
  • ''(b) calls on the Government not to sell uranium to Russia.''
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the military regime in Myanmar on Wikipedia [ here].