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senate vote 2007-02-27#5

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:19:44



  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Greens Senator [ Christine Milne], which means that it was rejected. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) growing international concern about [ nuclear proliferation] and recent speculation about a possible United States of America (US) or Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities,''
  • ''(ii) Australia is a member of the [ Nuclear Suppliers Group] (NSG) which makes its decisions by consensus,''
  • ''(iii) the US-India nuclear cooperation deal would breach the guidelines of the NSG that restricts trade with non-nuclear-weapon states that do not accept full-scope [ International Atomic Energy Agency] safeguards,''
  • ''(iv) exemptions from NSG guidelines would erode the credibility of the NSG’s effort to restrict nuclear trade to those states that meet global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament standards, and''
  • ''(v) the next NSG meeting is in April 2007 and the US is expected to seek agreement to allow the US-India nuclear cooperation deal to proceed; and''
  • ''(b) calls on the Government to preserve the integrity of the [ Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty] by blocking the US-India deal at the NSG meeting in April 2007 and ruling out the supply of uranium to India.''
  • The majority voted against a [motion]( introduced by Greens Senator [Christine Milne](, which means that it was rejected. The motion was:
  • _That the Senate—_
  • _(a) notes:_
  • _(i) growing international concern about [nuclear proliferation]( and recent speculation about a possible United States of America (US) or Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities,_
  • _(ii) Australia is a member of the [Nuclear Suppliers Group]( (NSG) which makes its decisions by consensus,_
  • _(iii) the US-India nuclear cooperation deal would breach the guidelines of the NSG that restricts trade with non-nuclear-weapon states that do not accept full-scope [International Atomic Energy Agency]( safeguards,_
  • _(iv) exemptions from NSG guidelines would erode the credibility of the NSG’s effort to restrict nuclear trade to those states that meet global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament standards, and_
  • _(v) the next NSG meeting is in April 2007 and the US is expected to seek agreement to allow the US-India nuclear cooperation deal to proceed; and_
  • _(b) calls on the Government to preserve the integrity of the [Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty]( by blocking the US-India deal at the NSG meeting in April 2007 and ruling out the supply of uranium to India._
senate vote 2007-02-27#5

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-08-14 10:14:25


  • Nuclear Proliferation
  • Motions - Nuclear Proliferation - Block US-India deal at NSG meeting and rule out supply of uranium to India


  • <p class="speaker">Christine Milne</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <dl><dt></dt><dd>That the Senate&#8212;<dl><dt>(a)</dt><dd>notes:<dl><dt>(i)</dt><dd>growing international concern about nuclear proliferation and recent speculation about a possible United States of America (US) or Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities,</dd><dt>(ii)</dt><dd>Australia is a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) which makes its decisions by consensus,</dd><dt>(iii)</dt><dd>the US-India nuclear cooperation deal would breach the guidelines of the NSG that restricts trade with non-nuclear-weapon states that do not accept full-scope International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards,</dd><dt>(iv)</dt><dd>exemptions from NSG guidelines would erode the credibility of the NSG&#8217;s effort to restrict nuclear trade to those states that meet global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament standards, and</dd><dt>(v)</dt><dd>the next NSG meeting is in April 2007 and the US is expected to seek agreement to allow the US-India nuclear cooperation deal to proceed; and</dd></dl></dd><dt>(b)</dt><dd>calls on the Government to preserve the integrity of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by blocking the US-India deal at the NSG meeting in April 2007 and ruling out the supply of uranium to India.</dd></dl></dd></dl><p>Question put.</p>
  • The majority voted against a [ motion] introduced by Greens Senator [ Christine Milne], which means that it was rejected. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) growing international concern about [ nuclear proliferation] and recent speculation about a possible United States of America (US) or Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities,''
  • ''(ii) Australia is a member of the [ Nuclear Suppliers Group] (NSG) which makes its decisions by consensus,''
  • ''(iii) the US-India nuclear cooperation deal would breach the guidelines of the NSG that restricts trade with non-nuclear-weapon states that do not accept full-scope [ International Atomic Energy Agency] safeguards,''
  • ''(iv) exemptions from NSG guidelines would erode the credibility of the NSGs effort to restrict nuclear trade to those states that meet global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament standards, and''
  • ''(v) the next NSG meeting is in April 2007 and the US is expected to seek agreement to allow the US-India nuclear cooperation deal to proceed; and''
  • ''(b) calls on the Government to preserve the integrity of the [ Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty] by blocking the US-India deal at the NSG meeting in April 2007 and ruling out the supply of uranium to India.''