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senate vote 2006-09-06#3

Edited by mackay staff

on 2016-06-02 16:07:57


  • Parliamentarians’ Entitlements
  • Motions - Parliamentarians’ Entitlements - Review of remuneration and entitlements


  • <p class="speaker">Andrew Murray</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <dl><dt></dt><dd>That the Senate requests that, in an appropriate examination or review that is undertaken of the remuneration and entitlements of members and senators, the Remuneration Tribunal take a holistic view with respect to members&#8217; and senators&#8217; salary packages and allowances, what they need to do their jobs, and their superannuation entitlements.</dd></dl><p>Question put.</p>
  • The majority voted against a motion introduced by Australian Democrats Senator [Andrew Murray](
  • ### Motion text
  • > *That the Senate requests that, in an appropriate examination or review that is undertaken of the remuneration and entitlements of members and senators, the Remuneration Tribunal take a holistic view with respect to members and senators salary packages and allowances, what they need to do their jobs, and their superannuation entitlements.*