

The majority voted against a motion introduced by Greens Senator Kerry Nettle. This means that the motion is rejected.

The motion was:

That the Senate—

(a) notes that:

(i) 20 June 2006 is World Refugee Day and the day’s theme is ‘keeping the flame of hope alive’,

(ii) there are more than 19 million refugees and 5.5 million internally displaced people in the world looking for protection,

(iii) many countries assist hundreds of thousands of refugees who have no choice but to flee persecution,

(iv) the Government has changed its policy, breaching the Refugee Convention, in response to the arrival of 43 refugees, and(Senator Nettle is referring to an incident where 43 West Papuan asylum seekers sought asylum in Australia. To read more about the incident see here and to read more about the Government's response see here.)

(v) the Government’s new policy will mean many asylum seekers who arrive by boat are exiled to Nauru or Manus Island; and

(b) calls on the Government to:

(i) drop its policy of appeasing Indonesia and ensure Australia’s refugee laws conform fully with the Refugee Convention, and

(ii) consider increasing Australia’s intake of refugees and offer asylum seekers real hope, durable solutions and significantly improved settlement services.


Votes Not passed by a small majority

Nobody rebelled against their party.

Party Votes
Australian Democrats (50% turnout) 2 Yes 0 No
Andrew Murray WA Yes
Natasha Stott Despoja SA Yes
Lyn Allison Victoria Absent
Andrew Bartlett Queensland Absent
Australian Greens (100% turnout) 4 Yes 0 No
Bob Brown Tasmania Yes
Christine Milne Tasmania Yes
Kerry Nettle NSW Yes
Rachel Siewert WA Yes
Australian Labor Party (78% turnout) 21 Yes 0 No
Carol Brown Tasmania Yes
George Campbell NSW Yes
Kim Carr Victoria Yes
Trish Crossin NT Yes
John Faulkner NSW Yes
Michael Forshaw NSW Yes
Annette Hurley SA Yes
Steve Hutchins NSW Yes
Linda Kirk SA Yes
Gavin Marshall Victoria Yes
Anne McEwen SA Yes
Jan McLucas Queensland Yes
Claire Moore Queensland Yes
Kerry O'Brien Tasmania Yes
Helen Polley Tasmania Yes
Robert Ray Victoria Yes
Ursula Stephens NSW Yes
Glenn Sterle WA Yes
Ruth Webber WA Yes
Penny Wong SA Yes
Dana Wortley SA Yes
Mark Bishop WA Absent
Stephen Conroy Victoria Absent
Chris Evans WA Absent
Joe Ludwig Queensland Absent
Kate Lundy ACT Absent
Nick Sherry Tasmania Absent
Nigel Scullion NT Country Liberal Party No
John Hogg Queensland Deputy President Yes
Steve Fielding Victoria Family First Party Absent
Liberal Party (78% turnout) 0 Yes 25 No
Eric Abetz Tasmania No
Judith Adams WA No
Cory Bernardi SA No
George Brandis Queensland No
Grant Chapman SA No
Richard Colbeck Tasmania No
Helen Coonan NSW No
Alan Eggleston WA No
Alan Ferguson SA No
Jeannie Ferris SA No
Concetta Fierravanti-Wells NSW No
Mitch Fifield Victoria No
Bill Heffernan NSW No
Gary Humphries ACT No
David Johnston WA No
Ian Macdonald Queensland No
Brett Mason Queensland No
Stephen Parry Tasmania No
Kay Patterson Victoria No
Marise Payne NSW No
Michael Ronaldson Victoria No
Santo Santoro Queensland No
Judith Troeth Victoria No
Russell Trood Queensland No
John Watson Tasmania No
Guy Barnett Tasmania Absent
Ian Campbell WA Absent
Chris Ellison WA Absent
Rod Kemp Victoria Absent
Ross Lightfoot WA Absent
Nick Minchin SA Absent
Amanda Vanstone SA Absent
National Party (100% turnout) 0 Yes 5 No
Ron Boswell Queensland No
Barnaby Joyce Queensland No
Sandy Macdonald NSW No
Julian McGauran Victoria No
Fiona Nash NSW No
Paul Calvert Tasmania President No
Totals (79% turnout) 28 Yes – 32 No