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representatives vote 2023-05-24#1
Edited by
mackay staff
2023-08-11 08:48:41
Bills — Infrastructure Australia Amendment (Independent Review) Bill 2023; Report from Federation Chamber
- Infrastructure Australia Amendment (Independent Review) Bill 2023 - Report from Federation Chamber - Criticism of Government
<p class="speaker">Milton Dick</p>
<p>The question is the amendment moved by the honourable member for Gippsland be disagreed to.</p>
- The majority voted in favour of *disagreeing* with an amendment introduced by Gippsland MP [Darren Chester]( (Nationals), which means it failed. The amendment was to the usual second reading motion, which is "*that the bill be read a second time*" - parliamentary jargon for agreeing with the main idea of the bill.
- ### Amendment text
- > *That all words after "That" be omitted with a view to substituting the following words:*
- >
- >> *"whilst not declining to give the bill a second reading, the House:*
- >>
- >> *(1) notes this Government's record of cancellations, cuts and delays to infrastructure projects across Australia;*
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- >> *(2) criticises the Government's failure to adhere to processes of assessing infrastructure investment projects they set themselves before the 2022 election by agreeing to invest $2.2 billion in the Melbourne Suburban Rail Loop and $2.5 billion in the Brisbane Arena without first obtaining advice from Infrastructure Australia; and*
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- >> *(3) notes the nation-building and economy strengthening $120 billion 10-year pipeline of infrastructure investments inherited by the Government upon its election in May 2022".*