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representatives vote 2023-03-22#7

Edited by mackay staff

on 2023-03-24 16:29:26


  • Bills — Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022; Second Reading
  • Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022 - Second Reading - Let Mr Rae speak more


  • <p class="speaker">Tony Burke</p>
  • <p>Before I move that the member's time be extended, I just want to draw your attention to page 529 of <i>Practice</i> where there is discretion for the chair, with respect to motions for the closure of a member's speech, to decide whether or not the resolution is being moved for the purposes of obstructing the House.</p>
  • <p>I specifically raise it because we're about to get to the point&#8212;6.30 pm&#8212;where, if closure is moved, a division cannot take place if it's moved by someone other than a minister. For that reason, it would be an abuse because the House would be incapable of considering the question during the course of the opportunity for a member to speak. I raise that now. I appreciate that issue is not in front of us, but if the current conduct continues it'll be in front of us in about 10 or 15 minutes and so I just wanted to draw that to the attention of the chair.</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That Mr Rae be granted an extension of time.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Milton Dick</p>
  • <p>The question is that the motion moved by the Leader of the House be agreed to.</p>
  • <p></p>
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( introduced by Watson MP [Tony Burke]( (Labor) that:
  • > *That [Mr Rae]( be granted an extension of time.*