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representatives vote 2023-02-07#1
Edited by
mackay staff
2023-02-10 10:32:27
Business - Rearrangement - Let everyone speak
- Business - Rearrangement - Don't let everyone speak
- The majority voted in favour of *disagreeing* with a [motion]( introduced by Bradfield MP [Paul Fletcher]( (Liberal), which means it failed.
- ### Motion text
- > *(1) Omit subparagraphs (2)(a) and (b);*
- >
- > *(2) Omit paragraph (3); and*
- >
- > *(3) Insert new subparagraph (2)(a) as follows:*
- >
>> *"that the question on the disallowance motion not be put until such time as every Member wishing to speak on the question has spoken as provided for by the standing orders".*
- >> *"that the question on the disallowance motion not be put until such time as every Member wishing to speak on the question has spoken as provided for by the standing orders".*
representatives vote 2023-02-07#1
Edited by
mackay staff
2023-02-10 10:31:58
Business — Rearrangement
- Business - Rearrangement - Let everyone speak
<p class="speaker">Sharon Claydon</p>
<p>In accordance with standing order 133, I shall now proceed to put the question on the amendment moved earlier today by the honourable member for Bradfield on which a division was called for and deferred in accordance with the standing order. No further debate is allowed.</p>
- The majority voted in favour of *disagreeing* with a [motion]( introduced by Bradfield MP [Paul Fletcher]( (Liberal), which means it failed.
- ### Motion text
- > *(1) Omit subparagraphs (2)(a) and (b);*
- >
- > *(2) Omit paragraph (3); and*
- >
- > *(3) Insert new subparagraph (2)(a) as follows:*
- >
- >> *"that the question on the disallowance motion not be put until such time as every Member wishing to speak on the question has spoken as provided for by the standing orders".*
<p class="speaker">Milton Dick</p>
<p>The question is that the amendment moved by the honourable member for Bradfield be disagreed to.</p>