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representatives vote 2021-06-03#6

Edited by mackay staff

on 2021-06-12 16:19:11


  • Motions Mouse Plague
  • Motions - Mouse Plague - Don't let a vote happen


  • <p class="speaker">Tony Smith</p>
  • <p>The question before the House now is that the motion moved by the member for Franklin be disagreed to.</p>
  • The majority voted in favour of *disagreeing* with a [motion]( introduced by Franklin MP [Julie Collins]( (Labor), which means it failed. The motion was to suspend the usual procedural rules - known as [standing orders]( - in order to let another vote take place.
  • ### Motion text
  • > *That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the member for Franklin from moving the following motion forthwith:*
  • >
  • > *That the House:*
  • >
  • > *(1) notes:*
  • >
  • >> *(a) the Federal Government continues to turn its back on farmers and regional communities impacted by the horrific mouse plague;*
  • >>
  • >> *(b) the mouse plague is now impacting across multiple states and the Federal Government still has no national response plan for this unfolding disaster;*
  • >>
  • >> *(c) the Minister for Agriculture is silent about how the Federal Government can assist; and*
  • >>
  • >> *(d) Australian famers and their rural communities deserve better than this; and*
  • >
  • > *(2) therefore, calls on the Prime Minister to attend the Chamber and explain how he will take responsibility to help farmers and regional communities deal with the impact of the devastating mouse plague.*