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representatives vote 2020-06-18#4

Edited by mackay staff

on 2020-07-24 10:10:02


  • Resolutions of the Senate - Covid-19: Arts and Entertainment Industry - Consideration of Senate Message
  • Resolutions of the Senate - Covid-19: Arts and Entertainment Industry - Stopping Bandt MP from speaking


  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( "*That the member be no longer heard.*" The motion was put in relation to the Leader of the Greens Party and Melbourne MP [Adam Bandt](, which means he won't be able to speak any further in this particular debate.
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( "*That the member be no longer heard.*" The motion was put in relation to the Leader of the Greens Party and Melbourne MP [Adam Bandt](, which means he won't be able to speak any further in this particular debate.
representatives vote 2020-06-18#4

Edited by mackay staff

on 2020-07-24 09:50:10


  • Resolutions of the Senate Covid-19: Arts and Entertainment Industry; Consideration of Senate Message
  • Resolutions of the Senate - Covid-19: Arts and Entertainment Industry - Consideration of Senate Message


  • <p class="speaker">Rob Mitchell</p>
  • <p>The Speaker has received the following message from the Senate:</p>
  • <p class="italic">The Senate transmits to the House of Representatives the following resolution which was agreed to by the Senate:</p>
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( "*That the member be no longer heard.*" The motion was put in relation to the Leader of the Greens Party and Melbourne MP [Adam Bandt](, which means he won't be able to speak any further in this particular debate.
  • <p class="italic">That the Senate&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="italic">(a) notes that:</p>
  • <p class="italic">&#160;&#160;(i) it has been more than three months since COVID-19 physical distancing rules effectively shut down the arts and entertainment industry overnight;</p>
  • <p class="italic">&#160;&#160;(ii) hundreds of thousands of workers in the arts and entertainment industry have been impacted; and</p>
  • <p class="italic">&#160;&#160;(iii) the Morrison Government has not announced any specific industry assistance for arts and entertainment; and</p>
  • <p class="italic">(b) calls on the Morrison Government to detail and deliver a recovery package for the arts and entertainment industry.</p>
  • <p class="italic">The Senate requests the concurrence of the House of Representatives in this resolution.</p>
  • <p>Ordered that the message be considered immediately.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Alan Tudge</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That consideration of the message be made an order of the day for the next sitting.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Adam Bandt</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That all words after 'That' be omitted with a view to substituting the following words 'That the message be considered immediately.'</p>
  • <p>It has been a fortnight since the Prime Minister announced a package would be coming for the entertainment industry&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Rob Mitchell</p>
  • <p>The member for Melbourne will resume his seat.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Alan Tudge</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That the member be no longer heard.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Tony Smith</p>
  • <p>The question is that the Leader of the Greens be no further heard.</p>