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representatives vote 2018-12-05#11

Edited by mackay staff

on 2023-06-02 10:50:19


  • Motions Consideration of Legislation
  • Motions - Consideration of Legislation - Put the question


  • <p class="speaker">Pat Conroy</p>
  • <p>The government is a disgrace. Power prices are going up and they stand for nothing&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Christopher Pyne</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That the question be now put.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Tony Smith</p>
  • <p>The question is that the question be now put.</p>
  • The majority voted in favour of a motion 'that the question be put', which is parliamentary jargon for ending debate and voting on [the question]( straight away.
  • ### Rebel voter
  • There was one rebel in this vote, with Chisholm MP [Julia Banks]( (Liberal) crossing the floor to vote 'No' against the rest of the Liberal Party, which voted 'Yes.'