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representatives vote 2017-09-07#1
Edited by
mackay staff
2017-09-09 12:50:47
Motions — Deputy Prime Minister
- Motions - Deputy Prime Minister - Stop MP Burke from speeaking
<p class="speaker">Tony Burke</p>
<p>I move:</p>
<p class="italic">That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Manager of Opposition Business from moving the following motion immediately—</p>
- The majority supported a motion to stop Labor MP [Tony Burke]( from speaking anymore in this debate. These are known as gagging motions.
- ### Motion text
- > *That that the member be no longer heard.*
<p class="italic">The House:</p>
<p class="italic">(1) notes:</p>
<p class="italic">  (a) this House has unanimously asked the High Court to determine if the Deputy Prime Minister was ever validly elected to Parliament;</p>
<p class="italic">  (b) the Government refuses to release the Solicitor-General’s advice on which the entire legitimacy of this Government rests;</p>
<p class="italic">  (c) the Government refuses to even state whether it has sought advice on the risk to a legal challenge to the Deputy Prime Minister’s ministerial decisions;</p>
<p class="italic">  (d) significant ministerial decisions of the Deputy Prime Minister are being delayed, including decisions which would bring power prices down for Australians; and</p>
<p class="italic">  (e) despite the current doubts over the legality of the Deputy Prime Minister’s ministerial actions, tomorrow the Prime Minister will risk the entire legitimacy of the Government by leaving the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the nation; and</p>
<p class="italic">(2) therefore, calls on the Prime Minister to:</p>
<p class="italic">  (a) direct his Deputy Prime Minister to immediately stand aside; and</p>
<p class="italic">  (b) stop abusing the trust of the Australian people by being so reckless with the leadership of the nation.</p>
<p>Was there ever an occasion where the Prime Minister said—</p>
<p class="speaker">Christopher Pyne</p>
<p>I move:</p>
<p class="italic">That the member be no longer heard.</p>
<p class="speaker">Tony Smith</p>
<p>The question is that the member be no longer heard.</p>
<p>The question is that the motion moved by the Manager of Opposition Business be agreed to. Is the motion seconded?</p>