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representatives vote 2014-07-16#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-10-09 14:56:47



  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [second time](, which was subsequently put.(See that division [here]( )
  • _Background to the bill_
  • The [bill]( implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [2014-15 Budget]( more about the Government's Budget proposal [here]( ) It will amend the [Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme]( and the [Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme]( ('PBS') so as to:
  • - increase the concessional patient co-payment by 80 cents from 1 January 2015;
  • - increase the general patient co-payment by $5.00 from 1 January 2015;
  • - increase the concessional safety net threshold by two prescriptions each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018; and
  • - increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.(More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [here](
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [second time](, which was subsequently put.(See that division [here]( )
  • _Background to the bill_
  • The [bill]( implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [2014-15 Budget]( more about the Government's Budget proposal [here]( ) It will amend the [Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme]( and the [Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme]( ('PBS') so as to:
  • - increase the concessional patient co-payment by 80 cents from 1 January 2015;
  • - increase the general patient co-payment by $5.00 from 1 January 2015;
  • - increase the concessional safety net threshold by two prescriptions each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018; and
  • - increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.
  • (More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [here](
  • A co-payment is the amount paid by the patient towards the cost of their PBS medicine. The government covers the rest of the cost.
representatives vote 2014-07-16#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:22:11



  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [ second time], which was subsequently put.(See that division [ here]. )
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The [ bill] implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [ 2014-15 Budget].(Read more about the Government's Budget proposal [ here]. ) It will amend the [ Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] and the [ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] ('PBS') so as to:
  • * increase the concessional patient co-payment by 80 cents from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the general patient co-payment by $5.00 from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the concessional safety net threshold by two prescriptions each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018; and
  • * increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.(More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [ here].)
  • A co-payment is the amount paid by the patient towards the cost of their PBS medicine. The government covers the rest of the cost.
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [second time](, which was subsequently put.(See that division [here]( )
  • _Background to the bill_
  • The [bill]( implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [2014-15 Budget]( more about the Government's Budget proposal [here]( ) It will amend the [Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme]( and the [Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme]( ('PBS') so as to:
  • - increase the concessional patient co-payment by 80 cents from 1 January 2015;
  • - increase the general patient co-payment by $5.00 from 1 January 2015;
  • - increase the concessional safety net threshold by two prescriptions each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018; and
  • - increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.(More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [here](
  • A co-payment is the amount paid by the patient towards the cost of their PBS medicine. The government covers the rest of the cost.
representatives vote 2014-07-16#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:17:00



  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [ second time], which was subsequently put.[1]
  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [ second time], which was subsequently put.(See that division [ here]. )
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The [ bill] implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [ 2014-15 Budget].[2] It will amend the [ Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] and the [ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] ('PBS') so as to:
  • The [ bill] implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [ 2014-15 Budget].(Read more about the Government's Budget proposal [ here]. ) It will amend the [ Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] and the [ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] ('PBS') so as to:
  • * increase the concessional patient co-payment by 80 cents from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the general patient co-payment by $5.00 from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the concessional safety net threshold by two prescriptions each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018; and
  • * increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.[3]
  • * increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.(More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [ here].)
  • A co-payment is the amount paid by the patient towards the cost of their PBS medicine. The government covers the rest of the cost.
  • ''References''
  • * [1] See that division [ here].
  • * [2] Read more about the Government's Budget proposal [ here].
  • * [3] More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [ here].
representatives vote 2014-07-16#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-07-25 09:49:06



  • The majority voted in favour of a motion to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [ second time], which was subsequently put.[1]
  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [ second time], which was subsequently put.[1]
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The [ bill] implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [ 2014-15 Budget].[2] It will amend the [ Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] and the [ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] ('PBS') so as to:
  • * increase the concessional patient co-payment by 80 cents from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the general patient co-payment by $5.00 from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the concessional safety net threshold by two prescriptions each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018; and
  • * increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.[3]
  • A co-payment is the amount paid by the patient towards the cost of their PBS medicine. The government covers the rest of the cost.
  • ''References''
  • * [1] See that division [ here].
  • * [2] Read more about the Government's Budget proposal [ here].
  • * [3] More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [ here].
representatives vote 2014-07-16#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-07-17 18:29:21


  • National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2014 - Second Reading - Put the question
  • National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2014 Second Reading Put the question (to read a second time)


representatives vote 2014-07-16#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-07-17 17:41:07


  • Bills — National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2014; Second Reading
  • National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2014 - Second Reading - Put the question


  • <p class="speaker">Andrew Giles</p>
  • <p>The changes in the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2014 would have a real impact on people's lives. I think, again, about unfilled prescriptions on top of the impact of doctors visits deferred or cancelled due to the impacts of the GP tax. I note the COAG Reform Council report that was released in early June of this year which found that 8.5 per cent of people in 2012-13 delayed or did not fill their prescription due to cost. In disadvantaged areas, such as some areas within the Scullin electorate, the figure goes up to 12.4 per cent and for Indigenous people it goes up to 36.4 per cent&#8212;over a third. The last time the Liberal government, the Howard government, increased the tax on medicines in 2005&#8212;by 21 per cent at that time&#8212;filled prescriptions for some essential medicines fell by as much as 11 per cent. That is what we are looking at&#8212;a real impact on ordinary people's health and a real impact on the health of the most vulnerable in our community.</p>
  • <p>These changes are, of course, part of an ideological campaign to get rid of Australia's universal healthcare scheme and create a two-tiered user-pays system. I think of the minister's contribution in question time yesterday, which was very revealing in many respects but particularly when he spoke of bulk-billing as a safety net, fundamentally misunderstanding the universality of our present system which is so important to Australia's social compact.</p>
  • The majority voted in favour of a motion to put the question, which has the effect of ending the second reading debate on the bill. The question was whether to read the bill for a [ second time], which was subsequently put.[1]
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The [ bill] implements one of the measures proposed by the Government as part of its [ 2014-15 Budget].[2] It will amend the [ Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] and the [ Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme] ('PBS') so as to:
  • * increase the concessional patient co-payment by 80 cents from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the general patient co-payment by $5.00 from 1 January 2015;
  • * increase the concessional safety net threshold by two prescriptions each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018; and
  • * increase the general patient safety net threshold by 10 per cent each year for four years, from 2015 to 2018.[3]
  • A co-payment is the amount paid by the patient towards the cost of their PBS medicine. The government covers the rest of the cost.
  • ''References''
  • * [1] See that division [ here].
  • * [2] Read more about the Government's Budget proposal [ here].
  • * [3] More information about the bill, including its explanatory memorandum and bills digest, is available [ here].
  • <p>Astonishingly, the changes which are before us go beyond the recommendations of the Commission of Audit. The changes that are proposed and that we are discussing in relation to the concessional co-payment go beyond that wish list of the IPA and the Business Council of Australia. That is just staggering even for a government so blindly ideological as this one. It is not only that the language of the Commission of Audit informed the budget; its recommendations have been found wanting by some of the ideologues opposite.</p>
  • <p>These price increases come off the back of cuts of $80 billion to Australia's public hospitals and schools, the GP tax and hundreds of millions of dollars being cut from preventative health, dental health and Australia's health workforce, including the nurses we spoke of yesterday who are of no interest, it appears, to members opposite and particularly the minister. So Labor does not support the changes contained in the legislation before us. That is true as the legislation sits, but it is particularly so in the context of the broader changes and impositions this government is putting on the Australian community&#8212;the taxes for visits to the doctor, the taxes on pathology and medical imaging visits and fundamentally the derisive attitude to preventative medicine, which should be at the core of our health agenda.</p>
  • <p>Since the budget, I am sure most of my colleagues and, indeed, some members opposite have been inundated with correspondence from constituents who are deeply frightened about what this budget will do to them and their families. Of all the issues that constituents raise with me, health is at the forefront of their concerns. The Scullin electorate has the highest bulk-billing rate in Victoria, and I am very proud of that fact. It shows the great work that is being done by a range of local doctors, Medicare Locals and others in the community to ensure that people have access to effective primary health care. People have an assured acknowledge and lived experience of universal health care. It means that when they get sick they do not have to worry about going bankrupt to get treatment such as in the US and in the fantasies of some members opposite and the IPA. Older constituents tell me they remember the time before Medicare. They remember the pain and the fear of being told they did not have enough money to get treatment that they, their children or other family members needed. Yet this is the vision those opposite are taking us back to. This is why the response in Scullin and across Australia has been literally overwhelming. So much for sustainability. Our health system is something I am proud of. I am proud to support it and to reject this legislation.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Bronwyn Bishop</p>
  • <p>I call the honourable member for Chisholm.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Anna Burke</p>
  • <p>Thank you, Deputy Speaker, but I will point out&#8212;</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Bronwyn Bishop</p>
  • <p>No, it is 'Speaker'.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Anna Burke</p>
  • <p>My apologies, Madam Speaker. I was actually going to point out&#8212;and this is why I was stumbling over my words&#8212;that 'the Hon.' does not attach to former Speakers unless you go to the Governor-in-Council, so it is never attached to me. Whether that makes me honourable or not, I am not sure!</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Bronwyn Bishop</p>
  • <p>All members in the House are honourable!</p>
  • <p class='motion-notice motion-notice-truncated'>Long debate text truncated.</p>