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representatives vote 2006-11-02#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:18:13



  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] that the bill be considered an urgent bill, which was moved by Liberal MP [ Tony Abbott].
  • This is a procedural motion known as "the guillotine"(Read more about these types of motions [ here]. ) that speeds up the progress of the bill through parliament.(Read more about the stages that a bill must pass through in parliament [ here]. ) Since this motion was passed, the House will now vote on what times to allocate for the remaining stages of the bill.(See that division [ here]. )
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced to allow the federal government to sell its interest in [ Medibank Private] Limited and allow Medibank to operate on a “for profit” basis. The Coalition Government plans to do this after the 2007 election, should it be re-elected.(Read more about this privatisation proposal on Wikipedia [ here] and on the ABC's World Today program [ here].)
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( that the bill be considered an urgent bill, which was moved by Liberal MP [Tony Abbott](
  • This is a procedural motion known as "the guillotine"(Read more about these types of motions [here]( ) that speeds up the progress of the bill through parliament.(Read more about the stages that a bill must pass through in parliament [here]( ) Since this motion was passed, the House will now vote on what times to allocate for the remaining stages of the bill.(See that division [here]( )
  • _Background to the bill_
  • The bill was introduced to allow the federal government to sell its interest in [Medibank Private]( Limited and allow Medibank to operate on a “for profit” basis. The Coalition Government plans to do this after the 2007 election, should it be re-elected.(Read more about this privatisation proposal on Wikipedia [here]( and on the ABC's World Today program [here](
representatives vote 2006-11-02#1

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:16:08



  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] that the bill be considered an urgent bill, which was moved by Liberal MP [ Tony Abbott].
  • This is a procedural motion known as "the guillotine"[1] that speeds up the progress of the bill through parliament.[2] Since this motion was passed, the House will now vote on what times to allocate for the remaining stages of the bill.[3]
  • This is a procedural motion known as "the guillotine"(Read more about these types of motions [ here]. ) that speeds up the progress of the bill through parliament.(Read more about the stages that a bill must pass through in parliament [ here]. ) Since this motion was passed, the House will now vote on what times to allocate for the remaining stages of the bill.(See that division [ here]. )
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced to allow the federal government to sell its interest in [ Medibank Private] Limited and allow Medibank to operate on a “for profit” basis. The Coalition Government plans to do this after the 2007 election, should it be re-elected.[4]
  • The bill was introduced to allow the federal government to sell its interest in [ Medibank Private] Limited and allow Medibank to operate on a “for profit” basis. The Coalition Government plans to do this after the 2007 election, should it be re-elected.(Read more about this privatisation proposal on Wikipedia [ here] and on the ABC's World Today program [ here].)
  • ''References''
  • * [1] Read more about these types of motions [ here].
  • * [2] Read more about the stages that a bill must pass through in parliament [ here].
  • * [3] See that division [ here].
  • * [4] Read more about this privatisation proposal on Wikipedia [ here] and on the ABC's World Today program [ here].
representatives vote 2006-11-02#1

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-04-23 13:05:59


  • Medibank Private Sale Bill 2006 Declaration of Urgency
  • Medibank Private Sale Bill 2006 - Declaration of Urgency - Consider to be an urgent bill


  • <p class="speaker">Tony Abbott</p>
  • <p>I declare the <a href=";query=Id:legislation/billhome/R2607">Medibank Private Sale Bill 2006</a> an urgent bill.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Dick Adams</p>
  • <p> The question is that the bill be considered an urgent bill.</p>
  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] that the bill be considered an urgent bill, which was moved by Liberal MP [ Tony Abbott].
  • This is a procedural motion known as "the guillotine"[1] that speeds up the progress of the bill through parliament.[2] Since this motion was passed, the House will now vote on what times to allocate for the remaining stages of the bill.[3]
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced to allow the federal government to sell its interest in [ Medibank Private] Limited and allow Medibank to operate on a “for profit” basis. The Coalition Government plans to do this after the 2007 election, should it be re-elected.[4]
  • ''References''
  • * [1] Read more about these types of motions [ here].
  • * [2] Read more about the stages that a bill must pass through in parliament [ here].
  • * [3] See that division [ here].
  • * [4] Read more about this privatisation proposal on Wikipedia [ here] and on the ABC's World Today program [ here].