Mark Bishop and Lisa Singh have voted the same way 100% of the time
Mark Bishop
Former Australian Labor Party Senator for WA July 1996 – June 2014
Lisa Singh
Former Australian Labor Party Senator for Tasmania July 2011 – July 2019
Between July 2011 and June 2014 Mark Bishop and Lisa Singh have voted in the same division 575 times.
In divisions they have voted the same 575 times. They have never voted differently.
How do their votes on policies compare?
Policies are groups of votes related to an issue. We only show policies where we have enough information on both people.
Always voted the same way on
- A carbon price
- A character test for Australian visas
- A minerals resource rent tax
- Australia's timber industry
- Banning all investment in cluster munitions
- Carbon farming
- Decreasing availability of welfare payments
- Decreasing the gender pay gap
- Decreasing the private health insurance rebate
- Ending illegal logging
- Ending immigration detention on Manus Island
- Ending immigration detention on Nauru
- Federal government action on animal & plant extinctions
- Funding the national school chaplaincy program
- Implementing refugee and protection conventions
- Increasing Aboriginal land rights
- Increasing access under Freedom of Information law
- Increasing accessibility of government data and documents
- Increasing fishing restrictions
- Increasing funding for university education
- Increasing investment in renewable energy
- Increasing marine conservation
- Increasing protection of Aboriginal heritage sites
- Increasing protection of Australia's fresh water
- Increasing scrutiny of asylum seeker management
- Increasing scrutiny of unions
- Increasing surveillance powers
- Increasing the foreign aid budget to 0.7% of Gross National Income
- Increasing the Newstart Allowance rate
- Increasing trade unions' powers in the workplace
- Landholders' right to say no to mining and gas exploration
- Local community consultation on infrastructure projects
- Making more water from Murray-Darling Basin available to use
- Protecting citizens' privacy
- Protecting the Great Barrier Reef
- Protecting threatened forest and bushland habitats
- Protecting whales within Australian waters
- Putting a time limit on immigration detention
- Re-approving/ re-registering agvet chemicals
- Recognising local government in the Constitution
- Regional processing of asylum seekers
- Restricting foreign ownership
- Same-sex marriage equality
- Speeding things along in Parliament (procedural)
- Suspending the rules to allow a vote to happen (procedural)
- Temporary protection visas
- The Intervention in the Northern Territory
- Tobacco plain packaging
- Turning back asylum boats when possible
- Unconventional gas mining
- Uranium export
- Using natural resource wealth for the benefit of all Australians