Amanda Vanstone and David Johnston have voted the same way 100% of the time

Amanda Vanstone
Former Liberal Party Senator for SA December 1984 – April 2007

David Johnston
Former Liberal Party Senator for WA July 2002 – May 2016
Between February 2006 (when our voting records begin) and April 2007 Amanda Vanstone and David Johnston have voted in the same division 137 times.
In divisions they have voted the same 137 times. They have never voted differently.
How do their votes on policies compare?
Policies are groups of votes related to an issue. We only show policies where we have enough information on both people.
Always voted the same way on
- Federal government action on animal & plant extinctions
- Increasing availability of abortion drugs
- Increasing investment in renewable energy
- Increasing protection of Aboriginal heritage sites
- Increasing protection of Australia's fresh water
- Increasing surveillance powers
- Increasing the diversity of media ownership
- Making more water from Murray-Darling Basin available to use
- Reproductive bodily autonomy
- Stem cell research